The 42nd Executive Meeting of the 14th Mozhugongka County People's Government was held
2024-04-25 16:49:54 Source: Tiny Black Bamboo

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On April 24, Basang, Deputy Secretary of the Mozhugongka County Party Committee and County Chief, presided over the 42nd executive meeting of the 14th Mozhugongka County People's Government. Yang Yong, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Mozhugongka County, Ban Danquza, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Committee of Mozhugongka County, and Ba Sangluobu, Leader of the County Fire Rescue Brigade were invited to attend the meeting. The leaders of the local government at the county level, as well as the main heads of the township (town), county party committee departments, county departments, and county owned state-owned enterprises attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that the whole county should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech when he participated in the voluntary tree planting activities in the capital, firmly establish the concept of "increasing green is to increase advantages, and planting trees is to plant the future", increase afforestation efforts, and continue to carry out afforestation of "two rivers and four rivers", "four sides", courtyard greening and other work.

The meeting required that the main responsibility of safe production should be highlighted. Each township (town) and department should keep in mind that "safety is the premise of development, and development is the guarantee of safety", earnestly fulfill the regulatory responsibility in the industry field, strictly implement the "three controls and three musts", make every effort to do a good job in safety production in accordance with the Three Year Action Plan for Tackling the Root Cause of Work Safety in the whole county, and at the same time, adhere to drawing inferences from other cases, and implement the government's regulatory responsibility, Promote enterprises to implement the main responsibility, ensure that the mechanism guarantee is in place, the responsibility is in place, and the hidden danger rectification is in place. We should focus on the implementation of the whole region tourism. We will make every effort to promote the implementation of the "Five Ten" and "Ten One", dig deeply into the red culture of the county, plan boutique tourism routes, constantly improve the cultural and tourism influence of the county, and actively promote the promotion of 4A scenic spots. At the same time, we should adhere to the result orientation, actively attract tourists to stay in Mozhu on the basis of creating a good tourism atmosphere, and strive to increase the number of tourists and tourism income. We should give prominence to grass-roots governance and focus on results. Each township (town) and department should have a deep understanding of the three goals and the working idea of integration of four modernizations, accurately grasp the essence of the five efficiency improvement projects, benchmark specific work tasks, take the initiative to claim, further refine work measures, timely study and solve difficult points, really come up with practical and hard skills, and try to improve the grass-roots governance ability and level, We will work together to implement the "seven projects" and achieve results.

The meeting stressed that each township (town) and department should further improve their political position, highlight the key points, grasp the key points, compact responsibilities, refine measures, and promote the road leader system, river (lake) leader system, and forest leader system in a normalized manner.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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Host: People's Government of Mozhugongka County Address: Government compound of Gaze New Area, Gongka Town, Mozhu Gongka County, Lhasa, Tibet Tel: 0891-6130568
Website ID: 5401270002 Record No.: Zang ICP Bei 2021000233-1
Technical support: Tibet Media Group