Banner commemorating the 65th anniversary of Tibet's democratic reform:
1. We will resolutely uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping's core position in the Party Central Committee and the core position of the whole Party! 2. Firmly uphold the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core! 3. Conscientiously maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core in ideology, politics and action. 4. Continue to move towards the grand goal of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation! 5. Comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese style modernization! 6. High quality development is the primary task of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way! 7. Develop people's democracy throughout the process and ensure people's ownership! 8. Adhere to the rule of law in an all-round way, and promote the construction of China under the rule of law! 9. Promote cultural self-confidence and self-improvement, and create a new glory of socialist culture! 10. Strive to build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation! 11. Improve people's livelihood and quality of life! 12. Promote green development and harmonious coexistence between human and nature! 13. National security is the foundation of national rejuvenation, and social stability is the premise of national prosperity! 14. Promote the new great project of Party building in the new era, and lead the social revolution with the Party's self revolution! 15. Long live the great, glorious and correct Communist Party of China! 16. Build a beautiful and happy Tibet and realize the great rejuvenation dream! 17. Comprehensively implement the Party's strategy of governing Tibet in the new era! 18. Strive to create a model area of national unity and progress! 19. Strive to create a pilot area for high-quality development of plateau economy! 20. Strive to create a national ecological civilization highland! 21. Strive to create a national action demonstration zone for strengthening borders and enriching people! 22. Completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept to promote high-quality development in Tibet! 23. Firmly establish national awareness, civic awareness and legal awareness! 24. Consolidate the ruling position of the Party in Tibet and consolidate the ruling foundation of the Party in Tibet! 25. The Chinese nation will build the Chinese dream together with one family! 26. Build a strong sense of the community of the Chinese nation and promote exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups! 27. To commemorate the 65th anniversary of Tibet's democratic reform! 28. The "March 28" festival of turning over serfs in Tibet!
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Jiama Township is waiting for you
Mozhugongka County: accelerating resource utilization and practicing green development
Mozhugongka Culture and Tourism Bureau carried out intangible cultural heritage publicity, exhibition and performance activities
Jiama Township is waiting for you
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Prefectures and counties in Tibet
Prefectures and counties in Tibet

Host: People's Government of Mozhugongka County Address: Government compound of Gaze New Area, Gongka Town, Mozhu Gongka County, Lhasa, Tibet Tel: 0891-6130568
Website ID: 5401270002 Record No.: Zang ICP Bei 2021000233-1
Technical support: Tibet Media Group

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