
    Summary of the latest exposure information of Xiaomi SUV

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: A melon eater

     Summary of the latest exposure information of Xiaomi SUV

    1. Family style design language, positioning medium and large pure electric SUVs, full configuration
    2. In terms of the price that everyone cares about most, it is estimated to be between 250000 yuan and 400000 yuan
    3. It is expected to be launched in June next year, but it will warm up before the New Year
    4. Will push limited edition, not called the original edition, it is difficult to grab, or only 1000 sets
    5. Joined the Weilai Power Change Alliance, and the power change SUV has been approved, but will be released later
    6. It is said that the first generation rice noodles have great benefits after the launch of SUV. It is estimated that it is a surprise price or a replacement bonus
    7. The ecosystem of Renchejia is further mature, and you can experience a comprehensive KO Hongmeng car machine
    8. A new person in charge of the car line will come to the front desk, similar to mobile phone Lu Weibing of business
    9. The Xiaomi car logo may be updated synchronously, which will be more textured and more suitable for cars than the current version
    10. Completely give up supporting CarPlay

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Summary of the latest exposure information of Xiaomi SUV true report five hundred and eighty-three 1. Family style design language, positioning of medium and large pure electric SUVs, configuration optimization 2. In terms of the selling price that everyone is most concerned about, it is expected to be between 250000 yuan and 400000 yuan 3. It is expected to be launched in June next year, but it will warm up before the New Year this year 4. It will promote a limited version, not called the founding version, which is difficult to compete, or only 1000 units 5. Join the Weilai Power Exchange Alliance, and the electric SUV has been approved, But it will be released later. 6. On this SUV
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