
    The iPhone 16 series screen supplier is amazing! The black edge is only 1.2mm

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

     The iPhone 16 series screen supplier is amazing! The black edge is only 1.2mm

    According to insiders, iPhone The 16 series will be officially launched in the third quarter of this year. According to reports, the new iPhone 16 series will use OLED screen panels provided by Samsung Display and LG Display.

    Specifically, Samsung Display is expected to produce about 9000 OLED screen panels and complete 4300 orders with LG Display. This year, the total order volume of iPhone 16 series will reach 130 million pieces. Samsung plans to start mass production of OLED panels in June.

    It was rumored that BOE might also become one of Apple's OLED suppliers, but this time it did not appear on the list. However, it is said that BOE will provide a display screen for the iPhone SE4 launched in the future, and it is expected that this will also be a big deal.

    It is worth mentioning that the iPhone 16 Pro series has adopted a new screen technology, which is expected to further narrow the border width and break the industry record. It is reported that the black edge of the iPhone 16 Pro is only 1.2mm, while the iPhone 16 Pro Max is only 1.15mm. If the body size remains the same, the screen size of the two models is expected to increase to 6.3 inches and 6.9 inches respectively.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The iPhone 16 series screen supplier is amazing! The black edge is only 1.2mm true report nine hundred and fifty-one According to insiders, the iPhone 16 series will be officially released in the third quarter of this year. According to reports, the new iPhone 16 series will use OLED screen panels provided by Samsung Display and LG Display. Specifically, Samsung Display is expected to produce about 9000 OLED screen panels and complete 4300 orders with LG Display. This year, the total order volume of iPhone 16 series will reach
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