
    Samsung's mobile phone production significantly increases, and the proportion of mainland China will jump from 17.4% to 25%

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Summer of Mint Candy

     Samsung's mobile phone production significantly increases, and the proportion of mainland China will jump from 17.4% to 25%

    Samsung mobile phone Although it has withdrawn from the Chinese mainland market, it still needs to rely on this region for production. In fact, Samsung is gradually increasing the number of mobile phone And plans to increase it from 44 million to 67 million, with an increase of more than 50%. At the same time, the company also increased its annual production target from 253 million units to 270 million units.

    This means that the share from mainland China in the global production capacity of Samsung mobile phones will jump from 17.4% to nearly 25%. In addition, Samsung is actively seeking to add factories in Southeast Asia, and plans to outsource about 28 million mobile phones to Vietnamese factories.

    It is worth mentioning that in the first quarter of this year, Samsung produced 64.5 million smartphones and flat-panel phones, and achieved 22% of its sales target in the current quarter. These data show that although Samsung has withdrawn from the Chinese market, it still relies heavily on Chinese manufacturers to achieve its production and sales goals.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Samsung's mobile phone production significantly increases, and the proportion of mainland China will jump from 17.4% to 25% true report five hundred and sixty-one Although Samsung mobile phones have withdrawn from the Chinese mainland market, they still need to rely on the region for production. In fact, Samsung is gradually increasing the production of mobile phones from mainland China, and plans to increase it from 44 million to 67 million, an increase of more than 50%. At the same time, the company also increased its annual production target from 253 million units to 270 million units. This means that in the global production capacity of Samsung mobile phones
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