
    [Slow Hands] [Real GT Neo6] 5G mobile phone sells at 2699 yuan, which is a good price in the near future

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: The original place

    Real GT Neo6 5G mobile phone , the price is 2699 yuan, which is good in the near future. The original price is 2999.00, and now you can enjoy substantial discounts. This mobile phone adopts the latest high-performance chip and large capacity storage, and is equipped with ultra fast 5G network support, which makes you more fluent in both games and videos.

    The real GT Neo6 uses 16GB of running memory and 1TB of storage space, making it easy for you to deal with various large-scale applications and games. In addition, its battery life is also very long, so you don't have to worry about low power when using it. In addition, it also has an ultra-high definition camera and powerful photo function, allowing you to capture more beautiful moments in life.

    If you are a user who pursues high performance and large capacity storage, GT Neo6 will be a good choice. Now go to Jingdong to buy, and take advantage of the promotional activities to get a mobile phone of your own!

     Real GT Neo6 (16GB/1TB)

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow Hands] [Real GT Neo6] 5G mobile phone sells at 2699 yuan, which is a good price in the near future true report nine hundred and eleven The real GT Neo6 5G mobile phone sells at 2699 yuan, which is a good price in the near future. The original price is 2999.00, and now you can enjoy substantial discounts. This mobile phone adopts the latest high-performance chip and large capacity storage, and is equipped with ultra fast 5G network support, which makes you more fluent in both games and videos. The real GT Neo6 uses 16GB running memory and 1TB storage space, making it easy for you to deal with various large-scale applications
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