
    Craven, Chairman of China Telecom: Develop new quality productivity and accelerate the construction of digital China

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Yoga

    five On April 24, the 7th Digital China Construction Summit was held in Fuzhou. Craven, Chairman of China Telecom, attended the opening ceremony of the Summit and delivered a keynote speech entitled "Developing New Quality Productivity and Accelerating the Construction of a Digital China" at the main forum.

     Craven, Chairman of China Telecom: Develop new quality productivity and accelerate the construction of digital China

    Craven said that "Digital Fujian" is the ideological source and practical starting point of the construction of digital China. More than 20 years ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important deployment of building a "digital Fujian" with foresight, starting the historical process of building a digital China. From the very beginning, China Telecom resolutely responded and actively implemented, devoted itself to the process from "digital Fujian" to the construction of digital China, continued to deeply study the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the construction of digital China, and combined with the spirit of 18 important instructions and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on enterprise work in different periods, Deeply recognize that building a digital China is an important engine to promote Chinese style modernization in the digital era, digital technology innovation is the core driving force of building a digital China, digital industrialization and industry digitalization are the key tasks of building a digital China, institutional and mechanism reform is an important guarantee for building a digital China, and adhere to the people-centered development philosophy Let hundreds of millions of people share the fruits of development is the starting point and goal of building a digital China.

    "In recent years, we have firmly grasped the core meaning and practical requirements of building a digital China, firmly fulfilled our mission and responsibility of building a network power and a digital China, and maintaining network information security, comprehensively and deeply implemented the cloud to digital transformation strategy, carried forward the red telecom spirit, and promoted the transformation of enterprises from traditional telecom operators to service-oriented, technology-based, and secure enterprises, focusing on the network, cloud, and cloud network Integration, AI, quantum/security and other four major technical directions, continue to increase scientific and technological innovation, complete the layout of seven strategic emerging businesses, and actively play a major role in the construction of digital China. " Craven pointed out that China Telecom's network foundation has been further consolidated, and Tianyi Cloud, as the framework of the national cloud, has been fully formed and is the world's largest operator cloud; Build the world's largest quantum metropolitan area network, and lead the world in the number of quantum cryptophone users; Take the lead in the world mobile phone Direct link satellite communication service, and now the vehicle direct link satellite service has been launched; Create a star model with a parameter scale of 100 billion yuan, and launch the "Lingze" data platform. These achievements are the result of continuous exploration and practice in the process of pursuing from "digital Fujian" to the construction of digital China.

    Craven said that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has mapped out a grand blueprint for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, and made a major deployment to accelerate the construction of digital China. In the new era and new journey, building a digital China must accelerate the development of new quality productivity. As early as 2000, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly pointed out that building a "digital Fujian" and seizing the strategic commanding heights of informatization can realize the leapfrog development of social productivity, which profoundly revealed the need to cultivate and develop new quality productivity through new science and technology. China Telecom should continue to learn and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on new quality productivity, accelerate the development of new quality productivity and accelerate the construction of digital China in combination with the actual situation of enterprises.

    First, we should strengthen scientific and technological innovation to achieve self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology. Scientific and technological innovation is the core element of developing new quality productivity. China Telecom has continued to increase its scientific and technological innovation efforts. In the field of cloud and cloud network integration, it has broken through the "choke point" technology such as cloud operating system. The cloud base platform has freed itself from the restrictions of open source, and built a smart computing acceleration platform "Cloud Xiao", a one-stop smart computing service platform "Huiju", and a computing power scheduling platform "Habitat". These three platforms are the core platforms of the national integrated computing system. For example, the "Xirang" platform is used to dispatch the computing power distributed in different places, which is super heterogeneous and intelligent, through cloud computing technology. It is not only necessary to build a single ten thousand card cluster, but also to connect and dispatch the computing power distributed in different places through the network, and realize enterprise services through the public cloud. The construction of these three platforms marks that Tianyi Cloud, as a national cloud, has passed the inflection point of the development towards intelligent cloud. In the next stage, China Telecom will focus on the research of heterogeneous cloud scheduling, intelligent computing network, cloud network operating system and other checkpoint technologies, and continue to contribute innovative solutions to high-quality supply of computing resources. In the fields of artificial intelligence, quantum and network, we will continue to tackle general large-scale models and quantum computing cloud platforms, accelerate the research on 6G network architecture and standards, and actively seize the commanding heights of scientific and technological competition and future development.

    Second, accelerate application innovation and enable economic and social development. China has the advantages of super large scale market and rich application scenarios. To promote the construction of digital China, we should adhere to the application orientation, and everyone should use it first. In the process of using it, we should constantly improve it iteratively to promote large-scale development. The development of Tianyi Cloud is to become the current national cloud on the basis of taking the lead in comprehensively launching the cloud within the enterprise and cooperating with some customers. China Telecom has launched a series of innovative products and services such as AI+terminals, digital platforms, and industry models around new industrialization, digital government, smart cities, and digital villages. It hopes to get everyone's support and provide more valuable opinions and suggestions, so as to promote industrial innovation with applications and better meet the digital and intelligent needs of thousands of businesses and households.

    The third is to build the capacity system of data elements and release the value of data elements. As a new type of production factor, data can amplify, overlap and multiply economic development. We should implement the spirit of the National Data Work Conference, actively participate in the construction of the national data infrastructure, speed up the improvement of data infrastructure, upgrade the "Lingze 2.0" data platform, provide functions such as data right confirmation registration, data fusion computing, and trusted data space, and support data convergence, circulation, development, and utilization. Build a "Xinghai" big data product matrix, and launch data product services for government affairs, finance, culture and tourism and other scenarios. Create a "Galaxy" cross-border data solution to promote the safe cross-border flow of data.

    Fourth, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up and stimulate the vitality of innovation and development. Deeply realize that the development of new quality productive forces must comprehensively deepen the reform, and form a new type of production relations corresponding to it. In recent years, China Telecom has persisted in taking customers as the center, continued to deepen enterprise reform, established quantum, artificial intelligence, unmanned technology and other science and technology companies, comprehensively optimized the production and operation process with Cloud Platform as the hub, and improved the market-oriented mechanism of equal responsibility and rights, and equal emphasis on incentives and constraints; The next stage will promote the reform into the system integration stage, focus on opening up the cycle from science and technology, products to industry, and stimulate the vitality of various elements. China Telecom will make greater efforts to promote open technology, open capacity, open platform and open business, build win-win cooperation ecology, and form a strong joint force to build a digital China.

    Fifth, build a strong talent team and consolidate the foundation of innovation. People are the most active factor in productivity, and talent is the root of innovation. In recent years, China Telecom has continued to deepen the talent project to strengthen the enterprise, comprehensively promoted the transformation of the talent team, and introduced enterprise strategic scientists and leading scientific and technological talents in AI, quantum, cloud computing and other fields; In the next stage, we will improve the global talent distribution of the enterprise, continue to increase talent introduction and training, build a talent exchange platform, and promote the innovation capability of the industrial chain. China Telecom will carry forward and practice entrepreneurship, improve the resource organization and allocation ability of managers at all levels, and promote the convergence and flow of various advanced and high-quality production factors to develop new quality productivity.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Craven, Chairman of China Telecom: Develop new quality productivity and accelerate the construction of digital China true report four thousand five hundred and two On May 24, the 7th Digital China Construction Summit was held in Fuzhou. Craven, Chairman of China Telecom, attended the opening ceremony of the Summit and delivered a keynote speech entitled "Developing New Quality Productivity and Accelerating the Construction of a Digital China" at the main forum. Craven said that "Digital Fujian" is the ideological source and practical starting point of the construction of digital China. More than 20 years ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping took a far sighted approach to building
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