
    It is reported that Samsung plans to produce 67 million "JDM" mobile phones in mainland China this year, accounting for 25% of the global manufacturing volume

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Two or three cups of cola

    It is reported that Samsung is increasing the number of Chinese mainland mobile phone And plans to increase JDM (jointly developed, designed and manufactured) products from 44 million to 67 million. At the same time, Samsung has also raised its global mobile phone production target from 253 million to 270 million, of which 25% will be manufactured in mainland China.

    It is worth noting that Samsung is also cooperating with other manufacturers in Southeast Asia in addition to relying more and more on mainland Chinese manufacturers. It is reported that Samsung plans to outsource the "28 million mobile phone manufacturing business" to factories in Vietnam. In fact, in the past few years, Samsung has outsourced part of its smartphone production business to reduce manufacturing and transportation costs, and usually only uses this strategy to produce low-end phones.

    In addition, according to the previous report, in the first quarter of this year, the number of smartphones and tablets produced by Samsung exceeded its target set at the beginning of the year by 22%. As of March, the company has produced 64.5 million smartphones and tablets.

    To sum up, this article mainly tells about Samsung's adjustment of its mobile phone production strategy, including increasing investment in the Chinese market and Southeast Asia, as well as cooperation with local manufacturers. This shows that Samsung attaches great importance to the Chinese market and the Asian market. At the same time, Samsung also adjusted its global mobile phone production target, showing its optimistic attitude towards the future development trend.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: It is reported that Samsung plans to produce 67 million "JDM" mobile phones in mainland China this year, accounting for 25% of the global manufacturing volume true report eight hundred and seventy-one It is reported that Samsung is increasing the production of mobile phones in mainland China and plans to increase JDM (jointly developed, designed and manufactured) products from 44 million to 67 million. At the same time, Samsung has also raised its global mobile phone production target from 253 million to 270 million, of which 25% will be manufactured in mainland China. It is worth noting that, in addition to relying more and more on mainland Chinese manufacturers
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