
    [Slow hands] VERTU META 2 Zhuqueyan AI mobile phone only sold for 28115 yuan in JD!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: The original place

    A very special mobile phone , manufactured by VERTU brand. This META 2 Rosefinch Flame AI mobile phone adopts the latest WEB3.5G technology, with strong performance and smooth operation. Its appearance design is simple and fashionable, giving a feeling of high-end atmosphere.

    The price of this VERTU META 2 Zhuqueyan flagship AI mobile phone on JD is 33800 yuan. If you buy this mobile phone, you can enjoy a discount of 50 yuan for every 300 yuan. If you are a PLUS member, you can also enjoy the member exclusive discount. Therefore, the final payment price is only about 28115.50 yuan, which is a good price in the near future.

    The VERTU META 2 Rosefinch Flame AI mobile phone adopts the latest WEB3.5G technology, which can provide a faster and more stable network connection and support more efficient data transmission and processing. In addition, it is also equipped with advanced AI functions and intelligent systems, which can provide excellent user experience for users.

    In addition, this mobile phone also has an ultra-high definition screen and a powerful camera system, which are excellent in taking pictures and recording. At the same time, its battery life is also strong, which can meet the needs of users for long-term use.


    VERTU META 2 Suzakyan AI mobile phone is a high-end smart product with excellent performance and advanced functions. If you are looking for a mobile phone with powerful functions and excellent experience, this product is definitely worth your consideration. Now you can also enjoy preferential activities when you buy, which is a rare opportunity. Don't miss the friends you like!

     [Slow hands] VERTU META 2 Zhuqueyan AI mobile phone only sold for 28115 yuan in JD!

    Good price information comes from enthusiastic netizens and merchants' active exposure and recommendation. The promotional discounts and price information of goods may change in real time. Please check and confirm before purchasing. If you find any problems, you are welcome to give feedback through the "content correction", "error correction and problem suggestions" or direct "comments" on the page.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hands] VERTU META 2 Zhuqueyan AI mobile phone only sold for 28115 yuan in JD! true report one thousand three hundred and two A very special mobile phone, made by VERTU brand. This META 2 Rosefinch Flame AI mobile phone adopts the latest WEB3.5G technology, with strong performance and smooth operation. Its appearance design is simple and fashionable, giving a feeling of high-end atmosphere. The price of this VERTU META 2 Zhuqueyan flagship AI mobile phone on JD is 33800 yuan. If you buy this phone, you can enjoy every
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