
    Google Pixel 8 series mobile phones are all manufactured in India

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Milk Saury

     Google Pixel 8 series mobile phones are all made in India

    Google Pixel 8 series mobile phone Produced in India It is reported that Google has cooperated with Dixon Technology Company in India to produce Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro Models are coming soon. This is consistent with a report in February that Google is trying to decentralize its supply chain from China.

    Google has apparently begun to manufacture the latest Pixel 8 series of mobile phones in India. This is consistent with the company's statement last year, when it mentioned that it would start to produce Pixel 8 series products in India in 2024. Dixon Technology has started trial production, and it is expected that the first batch of "Indian made" Pixel mobile phones will be launched in September. Dixon Technology plans to produce 100000 mobile phones every month and use 25-30% of the quantity for export.

    According to the report, Padget Electronic will be the subsidiary (full name Padget Electronic India Ltd), whose main task is to contract manufacture equipment for Taiwan Kangbao Electronics (CPT). Compal Electronics is one of the manufacturers of Google products.

    The main motivation of Google's plan to produce mobile phones locally in India seems to come from the production link incentive (PLI) plan of mobile phones. In addition, there are competitive production prices provided by Dixon Technology. For a long time, due to the high cost of its hardware, the price of Pixel mobile phones has attracted much attention. However, it remains to be seen whether there will be further price reduction in the future after manufacturing in India.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Google Pixel 8 series mobile phones are all manufactured in India true report eight hundred and fifty-four Google Pixel 8 series mobile phones are produced in India. It is reported that Google has cooperated with Dixon Technology Company in India, and the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro models produced in India are about to be launched. This is consistent with a report in February that Google is trying to decentralize its supply chain from China. Google has apparently begun to manufacture the latest Pixel 8 series of mobile phones in India. This is the same as the company's
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