
    Samsung new Galaxy Z Fold6 Slim exposure: launched in 2024!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Latte without ice

     Samsung new Galaxy Z Fold6 Slim exposure: launched in 2024!

    according to Samsung mobile phone Ross Yang, CEO of supply chain consulting company DSCC, revealed that Samsung is developing a new type of folding mobile phone Galaxy Z Fold6 Slim, It is planned to launch the market in the fourth quarter of 2024. The new model will surpass the existing Fold6, but the price is expected to be the same. Unfortunately, however, it does not support the S Pen stylus feature.

    According to Ross Young, he has obtained the specific dimensions and screen specifications of this folding screen mobile phone and will disclose them in detail in the future Foldable Report. This is reminiscent of what Apple might launch iPhone 17 Slim, according to previous network reports, analyst Jeff Pu predicted that Apple would replace the existing Plus series with the iPhone 17 Slim, which would be equipped with A18 or A19 chips and 8GB RAM.

    Samsung and Apple, as the two giants in the smartphone market, are always concerned about the update and adjustment of their product lines. Samsung's Galaxy Z Fold6 Slim shows its continuous investment and innovation in the field of folding screen technology. The failure to support the S Pen function may disappoint consumers who expect this function.

    At the same time, the rumor of Apple's iPhone 17 Slim also indicates that Apple may change its product strategy, especially the replacement of the Plus series, which may have a certain impact on the market.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Samsung new Galaxy Z Fold6 Slim exposure: launched in 2024! true report eight hundred and eleven According to Ross Yang, CEO of Samsung mobile phone supply chain consulting company DSCC, Samsung is developing a new folding mobile phone Galaxy Z Fold6 Slim and plans to launch it in the fourth quarter of 2024. The new model will surpass the existing Fold6, but the price is expected to be the same. Unfortunately, however, it does not support the S Pen stylus feature. According to Ross Young, he has obtained this discount
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