
    PC level resolution, e-sports level high brush, "Android board king" iQOO Pad2 series refresh the tablet experience to a new height

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Biscuit

    The overall leading robust performance has become the focus of attention of digital circle media and e-sports players, causing hot debate. As the performance of the tablet continues to be officially confirmed, the iQOO Pad2 series also ushers in iterative upgrades in terms of battery capacity and screen image quality, bringing an immersive giant screen with 11500mAh super battery capacity and 3.1K 144Hz. As a PC class performance giant screen tablet product, with a 13 inch screen and flagship processor Tianji 9300+, it deserves to be the "strongest Android tablet" today!

     PC level resolution, e-sports level high brush, "Android board king" iQOO Pad2 series refresh the tablet experience to a new height

    From the perspective of endurance, the iQOO Pad2 Pro is equipped with a leading 11500mAh battery in the same gear. Its super energy boosts the power, and brings chip level consumption reduction with Bluecrystal x Tianji 9300+. The energy consumption is so large that you can continue to play games and watch movies online and show your skills! At the same time, it can also stand by for a long time, with power available at any time, bringing the majority of players a full sense of security!

     PC level resolution, e-sports level high brush, "Android board king" iQOO Pad2 series refresh the tablet experience to a new height

    At the same time, as the first KPL recommended tablet, the top e-sports experience naturally needs a good screen. The 3.1K screen of iQOO Pad2 Pro and the 144Hz smooth, high brush and super sensory display enable the tablet to have PC level resolution, capture details with great clarity and accuracy, and have an electronic competition level high brush and silky smooth combo to immerse you in film and television or game atmosphere. At the same time, the high wear system technology is used to increase the maximum screen brightness to 900nit while reducing energy consumption, so as to achieve "bright lights" and create an extraordinary e-sports experience for players with a super sense of vision.

     PC level resolution, e-sports level high brush, "Android board king" iQOO Pad2 series refresh the tablet experience to a new height

    Moreover, iQOO Pad2 Pro adopts color calibration+color management to achieve multi screen color matching, and PC level color access will present professional display level visual effects; 13 inch and 89% of the golden screen ratio control the global vision accurately on black; Night Cat Sleeping Eye Protection System brightness, color temperature adaptive adjustment, dark environment is also clear and comfortable, helping players to output a great deal of comfort!

     PC level resolution, e-sports level high brush, "Android board king" iQOO Pad2 series refresh the tablet experience to a new height

    It can be seen that in addition to Tianji 9300+, three-dimensional cooling system and super strong game frame stabilization capability, the iQOO Pad2 series super long standby 11500mAh battery and a 3.1K 144Hz super sensitive e-sports giant screen once again interpret the pure pursuit of top performance. At present, the iQOO Pad2 series has opened appointments on the whole platform, which is undoubtedly the first choice for players who want to pursue the ultimate game experience. Now, 0.1 yuan is reserved to purchase the machine, which is worth 527 yuan. Lock in the pre-sale at 20:00 on May 31, and take the equipment home!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: PC level resolution, e-sports level high brush, "Android board king" iQOO Pad2 series refresh the tablet experience to a new height true report one thousand five hundred and eleven The overall leading robust performance has become the focus of attention of digital circle media and e-sports players, causing hot debate. As the performance of the tablet continues to be officially confirmed, the iQOO Pad2 series also ushers in iterative upgrades in terms of battery capacity and screen image quality, bringing an immersive giant screen with 11500mAh super battery capacity and 3.1K 144Hz. As a PC grade performance giant screen tablet product, it also has 13 inches
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