
    Price adjustment of Google Play App Store: the ceiling soared by 640000 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: No. 13 Hutong

     Price adjustment of Google Play App Store: the ceiling soared by 640000 yuan

    Recently, Google announced at the I/O developer conference that the ceiling of the Play App Store will be raised from 7250 yuan to 1000 dollars (about 640000 yuan), which is a major adjustment after eight and a half years.

    Since the birth of the Play App Store, the upper limit of its app pricing has been only $200. However, at the end of 2015, this limit was raised to $400. Now, in just a few years, the ceiling has increased by 150%.

    In fact, this adjustment also benefits from the explosive growth of Android system over the years. At present, there are more than 3 billion devices in the world using Android system, and it covers intelligence mobile phone , smart watches, tablet computers, televisions and cars.

    In order to further promote users to purchase these high-value applications, Google launched a new installment subscription function at the I/O developer conference. This mode allows developers to provide users with the option of long-term subscription installment payment. According to the data released by Google, this adjustment has increased the total number of subscription registrations by 8%, while user spending has increased by 4%.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Price adjustment of Google Play App Store: the ceiling soared by 640000 yuan true report six hundred and seventy-four Recently, Google announced at the I/O developer conference that the ceiling of the Play App Store will be raised from 7250 yuan to 1000 dollars (about 640000 yuan), which is a major adjustment after eight and a half years. Since the birth of the Play App Store, the upper limit of its app pricing has been only $200. However, at the end of 2015, this limit was raised to $400. Such as
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