
    The latest sales ranking of 618 domestic mobile phones comes out: two models of Glory are in the top three

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: One penny moon

     The latest sales ranking of 618 domestic mobile phones comes out: two models of Glory are in the top three

    618 Shopping Carnival has always been mobile phone This year is no exception to the popular activities of manufacturers. Generally, Apple iPhone It will become one of the most popular models in this period, but the competition between domestic mobile phones is also very fierce. According to the latest mobile racing ranking released by an e-commerce platform, from May 20 to May 24, Redmi The K70 ranks first in the cumulative sales of domestic mobile phones, and Glory also has two models among the top three.

    Specifically, the top ten domestic mobile phones sold during this period are: Redmi K70 Glory X50 Glory 100 、Redmi K70E、 iQOO Neo9 One plus Ace 3、 iQOO 12 、Redmi Note13 Pro、 One plus 12 and Xiaomi 14

    Generally speaking, entry-level products will have better sales performance during 618. However, on the whole, these mobile phones are not all entry-level products. For example, iQOO Neo9 and One plus Ace 3 It belongs to the mid end product positioning, and its price is about 2000 yuan.

    Interestingly, in the cumulative sales ranking of all products, the high-end flagship iPhone 15 series and Samsung S23 Ultra also achieved good results, which shows that consumers are still very enthusiastic about high-end flagship products.

    To sum up, the sales of smart phones during the 618 Shopping Carnival were good. Although Apple iPhone is still one of the mainstream brands, domestic mobile phones are also rising and have a certain market share.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The latest sales ranking of 618 domestic mobile phones comes out: two models of Glory are in the top three true report one thousand one hundred and fifty 618 Shopping Carnival has always been a popular activity for mobile phone manufacturers, and this year is no exception. Normally, Apple's iPhone will become one of the most popular models in this period. However, the competition between domestic phones is also very fierce. According to the latest mobile phone racing ranking released by an e-commerce platform, during the period from May 20 to May 24, Redmi K70 was among the cumulative sales of domestic mobile phones
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