
    AI mobile phone popularization pioneer! OPPO Reno12 Series AI Capability Revealed

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: A melon eater

    In the wave of digital era, intelligence mobile phone It is no longer just a communication tool, but also a powerful assistant for users in their daily work and life. OPPO Reno12 series, as a new product of OPPO's AI mobile phone, its built-in AI efficiency tool experience deeply shocked users. Today, users will share how to solve the pain points in daily life through its AI function when using OPPO Reno12 series.

     AI mobile phone popularization pioneer! OPPO Reno12 Series AI Capability Revealed

    AI audio summary: a new tool for meeting recording

    For users who often attend meetings, it has always been a problem to quickly organize the meeting content. The AI recording summary function of OPPO Reno12 series perfectly solves this pain point. Just turn on the recording function, and then check "Generate AI recording summary at the same time" on the save recording interface at the end, AI can automatically identify and extract key information, and sort out the lengthy meeting content into a concise summary. This not only saves users a lot of time, but also has higher accuracy than manual summary.

     AI mobile phone popularization pioneer! OPPO Reno12 Series AI Capability Revealed

    We used OPPO Reno12 to try to summarize the contents of the OPPO press conference. The results are quite accurate, and we can easily eliminate the influence of background sounds and accurately identify voices.

    AI document scanning: a sharp tool for digitizing paper documents

    In daily work, users often need to deal with a large number of paper documents. The AI document scanning function of OPPO Reno12 series enables users to easily convert paper documents into electronic files for editing and sharing. This function supports automatic identification of document edges and adjustment of document angles to ensure the clarity of scanning effects. In addition, it can also intelligently identify the text in the document, which is convenient for users to search and reference.

     AI mobile phone popularization pioneer! OPPO Reno12 Series AI Capability Revealed

     AI mobile phone popularization pioneer! OPPO Reno12 Series AI Capability Revealed

    Xiao Bu's English teacher: a portable English learning assistant

    English proficiency is very important for both students and professionals. The small cloth English teacher function of OPPO Reno12 series provides users with a portable English learning assistant. Through voice dialogue, users can communicate with Xiao Bu in English and improve their oral ability.

     AI mobile phone popularization pioneer! OPPO Reno12 Series AI Capability Revealed

     AI mobile phone popularization pioneer! OPPO Reno12 Series AI Capability Revealed

    Interviewer Xiao Bu: new experience of simulated interview

    In the process of job hunting, the interview is often the key to success or failure. The small cloth interviewer function of OPPO Reno12 series provides a simulated interview platform for users. By simulating a real interview scenario, users can understand the interview process and possible problems in advance, and make targeted preparations. This not only enhances the user's self-confidence, but also makes the user more leisurely in the real interview.

    AI elimination and AI matting: a new way of mobile photography

    Sharing photos on social media has become a part of users' lives. However, how to make your photos stand out? The AI elimination and AI matting functions of OPPO Reno12 series give users the answer. AI elimination function can intelligently identify redundant elements in photos, such as telegraph poles, pedestrians, etc., and eliminate them with one button to make photos more pure. The AI matting function can separate the main body of the photo from the background, which is convenient for users to edit and compose creatively. These functions not only make users' photos more personalized, but also bring more creative inspiration to users.

     AI mobile phone popularization pioneer! OPPO Reno12 Series AI Capability Revealed


    The AI tool experience of OPPO Reno12 series makes us deeply feel the powerful ability of smart phones under AI technology. Whether it is meeting minutes, document scanning, English learning or simulated interviews, these AI functions provide users with great convenience and help. At the same time, they also demonstrated OPPO's deep strength and innovative spirit in the AI technology field. I believe that in the future, OPPO Reno The series will continue to lead the new trend of smart phone AI technology, bringing users a more intelligent and convenient life experience.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: AI mobile phone popularization pioneer! OPPO Reno12 Series AI Capability Revealed true report two thousand three hundred and sixteen In the wave of the digital era, smart phones are no longer just communication tools, but also powerful assistants for users in their daily work and life. OPPO Reno12 series, as a new product of OPPO's AI mobile phone, its built-in AI efficiency tool experience deeply shocked users. Today, users will share how to solve the pain points in daily life through its AI function when using OPPO Reno12 series. AI Recording
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