
    [Slow hands] Glory X50i+mobile phone only costs 1220 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Ying Mei

    Glory X50i+100 megapixel ultra clear recording zero risk dimming OLED eye protection screen

    Now, the latest intelligence of glory mobile phone The price in Jingdong Mall is 1220 yuan. The original price of this mobile phone was 1599 yuan, but now it has dropped by 8%. Only 1220 yuan is enough. Let's take a look at this product.

    Glory X50i+ The mobile phone is equipped with a 100 million pixel ultra clear recording function, which can clearly capture every detail and make photography more precise. It also has zero risk dimming and OLED eye protection screen, which can protect your eyesight. In addition, this phone also has 20GB of super large memory, which makes it faster and more powerful.

    Glory X50i +It is a very practical mobile phone, which is very convenient for both taking pictures and daily use. If you are looking for a phone with high cost performance and powerful performance, then Glory X50 I+is absolutely your best choice! Go to Jingdong Mall to buy now!

     [Slow hands] Glory X50i+mobile phone only sold for 1220 yuan

    Good price information comes from enthusiastic netizens and merchants' active exposure and recommendation. The promotional discounts and price information of goods may change in real time. Please check and confirm before purchasing. If you find any problems, you are welcome to give feedback through the "content correction", "error correction and problem suggestions" or direct "comments" on the page.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hands] Glory X50i+mobile phone only costs 1220 yuan true report eight hundred and ninety-five Glory X50i+100 million pixel ultra clear recording zero risk dimming OLED eye protection screen Now, Glory's latest smartphone sells for 1220 yuan in Jingdong Mall. The original price of this mobile phone was 1599 yuan, but now it has dropped by 8%. Only 1220 yuan is enough. Let's take a look at this product. Glory X50i+mobile phone is equipped with a 100 million pixel ultra clear recording function, which can clearly capture every detail, so that you can take photos
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