
    The iPhone 16 Pro Max will use the largest screen border in history, only 1.5mm

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     The iPhone 16 Pro Max will use the largest screen border in history, only 1.5mm

    According to reports, Apple's latest flagship mobile phone iPhone The 16 Pro Max will feature the largest 6.9 inch screen ever. This mobile phone is equipped with BRS technology, namely Border Reduction Structure. This borderless display technology can further reduce the border and achieve a higher screen proportion.

    BRS technology is a manufacturing technology independently developed by Apple. It allows a more compact and efficient layout of the bottom circuit of the screen, thus making the border narrower. However, while achieving this goal, the technology has not had any impact on screen performance or overall device appearance. Considering the complex factors such as precise and advanced technology required in the manufacturing process to bend down some wiring under the baffle, this requires superb manufacturing technology.

    With BRS technology, the iPhone 16 Pro Max frame is compress Below 1.5mm, becoming one of Apple's flagship phones with the narrowest border. In contrast, the border widths of its predecessor iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro are 1.5mm and 2.2mm respectively.

    In terms of video recording, the iPhone 16 Pro Max will be equipped with 48 million main camera, 48 million ultra wide angle and 12 million periscope telephoto lens, and support five times optical zoom function.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The iPhone 16 Pro Max will use the largest screen border in history, only 1.5mm true report one thousand and eight According to reports, Apple's latest flagship iPhone 16 Pro Max will use the largest 6.9 inch screen in history. This mobile phone is equipped with BRS technology, namely Border Reduction Structure. This borderless display technology can further reduce the border and achieve a higher screen proportion. BRS technology is a manufacturing technology independently developed by Apple, which allows the bottom circuit of the screen to be more compact
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