
    Dragon 8s Gen 3 Evaluation: Who is the real master of dragon training?

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: A melon eater

    I believe you will always see a very puzzling processor model with a strange name like Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 recently. You also have some arguments about whether this processor is an 8 series processor or not. Today, we will test and study it.

     Dragon 8s Gen 3 Evaluation: Who is the real master of dragon training?

    Different from the past, today we have brought three new models equipped with Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 at one go for actual measurement, which are called trumpet Xiaomi 14 Pro Of Xiaomi Civi 4 Pro , technology is based on name change Redmi Turbo 3, And the same Turbo iQOO Z9 Turbo。

     Dragon 8s Gen 3 Evaluation: Who is the real master of dragon training?

     Dragon 8s Gen 3 Evaluation: Who is the real master of dragon training?

     Dragon 8s Gen 3 Evaluation: Who is the real master of dragon training?

    Before starting the measurement, let's talk about the processor body of Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 as usual. It can be said that this is a processor whose name and architecture confuse you.

     Dragon 8s Gen 3 Evaluation: Who is the real master of dragon training?

    You see, it is called "Snapdragon 8 Series" in naming, but it has 7 Series brothers who are somewhat similar in personality; It has the same CPU architecture of 8 Gen 3, but the measured CPU performance is only close to 8 Gen 2; There is a Gen 3 in the suffix, but the performance and scale of the GPU are not as good as those of Gen 2. Even the baseband is X70 instead of X75.

    However, the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 is obviously a newly designed SoC, not a degraded castration version of a previous chip. What's the experience of Snapdragon 8s Gen 3? Which one mobile phone Is the performance release of Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 more radical? We will begin to measure.

    In terms of benchmark performance, let's first take a look at the limit scores run under the cooling mode. Angora rabbit In the V10 test, the highest score of Redmi Turbo 3 was 1.67 million, which exceeded the models equipped with Snapdragon 8 Gen2 and Tianji 9200+. It can be seen that the peak performance of Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 is still very strong.

     Dragon 8s Gen 3 Evaluation: Who is the real master of dragon training?

    In the GeekBench 6.2 test, which reflects the CPU performance, the peak performance of the Redmi Turbo 3 was single core 2019 and multi core 5570, close to the level of the Snapdragon 8 Gen2 model.

     Dragon 8s Gen 3 Evaluation: Who is the real master of dragon training?

     Dragon 8s Gen 3 Evaluation: Who is the real master of dragon training?

    There must be a little friend here who wants to ask, isn't the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 the same architecture CPU as the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3? How can we draw with the 8 Gen 2? This is because the CPU of Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 has the same architecture but different frequencies. Its frequency is significantly lower than that of 8 Gen 3.

    In terms of GPU, due to its small core size, its peak performance obviously cannot surpass the Snapdragon 8 Gen2 model. Redmi Turbo 3 3DMark Solar Bay scored 5341 and Wild Life EXTREME 3360.

     Dragon 8s Gen 3 Evaluation: Who is the real master of dragon training?

     Dragon 8s Gen 3 Evaluation: Who is the real master of dragon training?

    So far, we can confirm that the CPU performance of Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 is the same as that of 8 Gen2, and the GPU performance is similar but inferior to that of 8 Gen2.

    At the same time, from the benchmark test, we can also see that the performance of the two Turbo models of Redmi and iQOO is fully released. The Civi 4 Pro, which focuses on thin and light photography, should be relatively conservative.

    What needs to be stated here is that the above scores are the peak scores of the three models with heat dissipation clip. If you want to see the comparison of the normal temperature performance of these three models, you can go to our iQOO Z9 Turbo performance test article.

    It can be seen that the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 is not so much a small Snapdragon 8 Gen3 as a SoC product oriented towards lightweight flagship with high energy efficiency. The combination of flagship CPU performance and small chip area can meet the performance requirements of thin and light positioning models, and provide more choices for mid tier cost-effective models. At the same time, it can effectively face the competition of Tianji 8300.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Dragon 8s Gen 3 Evaluation: Who is the real master of dragon training? true report two thousand and seventy-eight I believe you will always see a very puzzling processor model with a strange name like Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 recently. You also have some arguments about whether this processor is an 8 series processor or not. Today, we will test and study it. Different from the past, today we have brought three new models equipped with Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 at one go for actual measurement. They are called Xiaomi 14 Pro
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