
    [Slow hands] The real GT5 Pro phone has been greatly promoted! A reduction of 300 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Luo Xiaoai

    Jingdong Real GT5 Pro 5G mobile phone The price is 3519 yuan. With JD Plus members, you can also enjoy a reduced price!

    This mobile phone adopts a high appearance design, and has three color options: Red Rock, Haoyue and Xingye. Among them, the Starlight Edition adopts the starlight AG glass process, with a metal middle frame and extreme detail treatment, showing an excellent sense of quality. The screen is also a highlight. The customized dual screen has high performance, and supports the extraordinary E-sports light chase engine and Dolby Vision HDR Video playback And other functions.

    In configuration, Real GT5 The Pro is equipped with the third generation Snapdragon 8 processor, 3VC iceberg cooling system, geek performance panel 2.0 and other high-end functions. The image aspect is even better. The new superlight image system brings a better shooting experience, and also supports AI semantic perception, image quality enhancement and other practical functions.

    In addition, the machine also has a built-in 5400mAh large capacity battery and supports 100W light speed flash charge and 50W wireless flash charge and other functions. There is a 32MP camera on the front of the fuselage for self taking or video calling.

    To sum up, the Genuine GT5 Pro is a flagship mobile phone with high performance, high quality and high shooting experience. It has excellent configurations in all aspects. Now there is a discount for purchase, which is really a worthwhile choice!

     Real GT5 Pro (16GB/512GB)

    Good price information comes from enthusiastic netizens and merchants' active exposure and recommendation. The promotional discounts and price information of goods may change in real time. Please check and confirm before purchasing. If you find any problems, you are welcome to give feedback through the "content correction", "error correction and problem suggestions" or direct "comments" on the page.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hands] The real GT5 Pro phone has been greatly promoted! A reduction of 300 yuan true report one thousand one hundred and fifty-four The real GT5 Pro 5G mobile phone on JD is in great demand, and the price is 3519 yuan. With JD Plus members, you can also enjoy a reduced price! This mobile phone adopts a high appearance design, and has three color options: Red Rock, Haoyue and Xingye. Among them, the Starlight Edition adopts the starlight AG glass process, with a metal middle frame and extreme detail treatment, showing an excellent sense of quality. Screen side
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