
    Vivo X100 Ultra Portrait Shooting Experience: Master Cai Siquan Portrait Shows His Strength

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: A melon eater

    Today mobile phone In the wave of photography, vivo X100 Ultra It stands out with its excellent portrait shooting ability, especially its powerful shooting ability of the full focus portrait master Cai Si, which can bring unprecedented shooting experience to users. I have the honor to experience the portrait shooting function of this mobile phone in person. Now let's share my experience with you.

     Vivo X100 Ultra Portrait Shooting Experience: Master Cai Siquan Portrait Shows His Strength

    First, in terms of hardware, vivo X100 Ultra is equipped with a super rear image module composed of 50 million pixel main camera+50 million pixel wide-angle+2 billion pixel periscope. Specifically, on the vivo X100 Ultra hardware, one inch LYT900 sensor is not enough to serve as the main camera. vivo simply adds a large aperture of F1.75 and its own precision transition technology, and also has a large hardware anti shake angle to further suppress hand shaking; More powerful is this telephoto lens, 1/1 4 inches With a super large sensor and 200 million high pixels, it gives consideration to both sensitivity and resolution, and has a more powerful vision.

     Vivo X100 Ultra Portrait Shooting Experience: Master Cai Siquan Portrait Shows His Strength

    In the field of portrait shooting, the 85mm high pixel close-up function of the vivo X100 Ultra deeply shocked me. This function not only brings the subject of the character closer, but also realizes the output of high-definition portrait of several fluff levels through vivo's self-developed portrait algorithm. When shooting a portrait, I can easily capture every detail of the face of the person, whether the texture of the skin or the look of the eyes, are perfectly recorded. This kind of high-definition golden point portrait makes me feel like I am in a professional advertising shooting scene. Every shutter is the ultimate pursuit of beauty.

     Vivo X100 Ultra Portrait Shooting Experience: Master Cai Siquan Portrait Shows His Strength

    What's more surprising is that even if I make secondary editing and composition adjustment of photos, X100 Ultra can still maintain high quality output, allowing me to easily obtain advertising level portrait works. This powerful post-processing capability undoubtedly provides users with more creative space.

    In addition to high-definition color portrait shooting, vivo X100 Ultra also provides 85mm human portrait mode. This mode applies classic black and white photography to portrait shooting. Through the super clear image quality analysis and hair level virtual matting technology, I can shoot a humanistic emotional portrait with both texture and high sense.

     Vivo X100 Ultra Portrait Shooting Experience: Master Cai Siquan Portrait Shows His Strength

    In black and white mode, the grayscale level in the photo is more exquisite, and the main body and facial expression of the characters are more prominent. I can express the feelings and stories of the characters through the simple black, white, gray, shadow and light changes. This shooting method not only has an artistic sense, but also allows me to explore the charm of portrait photography more deeply.

    The reason why vivo X100 Ultra can shoot such excellent portrait works cannot be separated from its advanced technical support. First of all, the long focus hairline matting technology combines segmentation and hairline matting through deep fusion technology to modify the edge of the portrait and achieve a hairline level virtual effect. This technology allows me to easily realize the background virtualization and highlight the main characters when shooting portraits.

     Vivo X100 Ultra Portrait Shooting Experience: Master Cai Siquan Portrait Shows His Strength

    Secondly, the graded exposure tone design technology allows me to avoid the problems of high light overexposure and darkness in the shooting process by precisely controlling the face exposure and finely adjusting the tone. At the same time, this technology can also create an infinite variety of gray levels, allowing me to adjust the most suitable tone effect according to different shooting needs, and create more atmosphere and light and shadow portrait photos.

     Vivo X100 Ultra Portrait Shooting Experience: Master Cai Siquan Portrait Shows His Strength

    In general, I am very satisfied with the portrait shooting function of vivo X100 Ultra. Whether it is high-definition color portraits or classic black and white portraits, I can easily shoot works with artistic sense and emotional expression. All of this can not be separated from the strength of Cai Siquan Jiao Duan Portrait Master and Vivo's advanced technical support. If you are also a fan of portrait photography, the vivo X100 Ultra is undoubtedly your choice.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Vivo X100 Ultra Portrait Shooting Experience: Master Cai Siquan Portrait Shows His Strength true report two thousand three hundred and sixty-one In today's wave of mobile photography, vivo X100 Ultra stands out with its excellent portrait shooting ability, especially the powerful shooting ability of Cai Si's full focus portrait master, which can bring unprecedented shooting experience to users. I have the honor to experience the portrait shooting function of this mobile phone in person. Now let's share my experience with you. First, in terms of hardware, vivo X1
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