
    [Slow Handing] Limited time discount for Redmi K70 Pro 5G mobile phone in JD, with a purchase price of 3799 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Xing Lian Ying Sui

    Jingdong self operated Redmi K70 Pro 5G mobile phone , is a high-end product with excellent performance and exquisite appearance. This mobile phone is positioned as the "king of full scene performance", and is the pinnacle of the performance Al revolution.

    First, look at its appearance design. It adopts a new metal middle frame and fine polishing process, making the phone look more bright and feel comfortable. In addition, the fuselage is only 74.9mm thick, and three colors of ink feather, clear snow and bamboo moon blue are available.

    Next, look at the screen. K70 Pro is equipped with a 6.6 7 inches The second generation high-end 2K screen, the new C8 screen light-emitting material, has a peak brightness of 4000nits, and supports 3840Hz PWM dimming and 2160Hz instantaneous touch sampling rate. This screen also supports Aoyama eye protection technology, which ensures the visual effect while protecting the health of users.

    Finally, let's look at the upgrade of processor and AI capabilities. The K70 Pro is equipped with the third generation Snapdragon 8 processor, so the AI capability is more powerful and the heat dissipation is also significantly improved. Furious engine 3.0 is equipped to enable Xiaomi's surging OS kernel in depth, and AI capability has soared. The Xiaomi Pengpai OS, which is shipped from the factory, has excellent experience in performance optimization and system management.

    In general, the Redmi K70 Pro 5G mobile phone is a flagship product with strong comprehensive performance, excellent design, excellent screen display and strong AI capability. If you are looking for a high-performance and high-quality mobile phone, this phone is definitely one of your first choices. Now hurry to place an order!

     Redmi K70 Pro(24GB/1TB)

    Good price information comes from enthusiastic netizens and merchants' active exposure and recommendation. The promotional discounts and price information of goods may change in real time. Please check and confirm before purchasing. If you find any problems, you are welcome to give feedback through the "content correction", "error correction and problem suggestions" or direct "comments" on the page.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow Handing] Limited time discount for Redmi K70 Pro 5G mobile phone in JD, with a purchase price of 3799 yuan true report one thousand two hundred and sixty-eight JD's own Redmi K70 Pro 5G mobile phone is a high-end product with excellent performance and exquisite appearance. This mobile phone is positioned as the "king of full scene performance", and is the pinnacle of the performance Al revolution. First, look at its appearance design. It adopts a new metal middle frame and fine polishing process, making the phone look more bright and feel comfortable. In addition, the fuselage is only 74.9mm thick, with inky feathers, fine
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