
    The price of Apple's fourth generation iPhone SE may rise, but the source revealed that the starting price will still be less than $500

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Yousan

     The price of Apple's fourth generation iPhone SE may rise, but the source revealed that the starting price will still be less than $500

    According to foreign media reports, Apple plans to launch the fourth generation in 2025 iPhone SE。 This new mobile phone Its design will be similar to that of the standard iPhone 14, and there will be obvious hardware upgrades. For example, it will use OLED display instead of LCD display, and the screen size will be changed from that of the previous generation 4.7 inches It has been increased to 6.1 inches, and the face recognition technology has also been upgraded, so fingerprint recognition is no longer used.

    However, although there are many hardware upgrades, the price is not expected to rise significantly. This is probably due to the low cost of adopting mature technologies. It is reported that the starting price of the fourth generation iPhone SE is still expected to be $429 or 10% higher, but the maximum starting price will still be less than $500.

    It is also worth noting that the price of the iPhone SE 4 is not expected to increase significantly after the display screen is upgraded to OLED. This is probably because its OLED display uses parts used by the same parts suppliers as iPhone 13 and iPhone 14, thus reducing R&D investment. However, there is no accurate information to confirm whether the rumor is true.

    To sum up, Apple plans to launch the fourth generation iPhone SE phone in the future, hoping to provide a higher level of user experience at a lower cost. Although the details have not been confirmed, we can expect that the iPhone SE 4 will be an important product in Apple's market this summer.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The price of Apple's fourth generation iPhone SE may rise, but the source revealed that the starting price will still be less than $500 true report one thousand one hundred and five According to foreign media reports, Apple plans to launch the fourth generation iPhone SE in 2025. The design of this new phone will be similar to that of the standard iPhone 14, and the hardware will also be significantly upgraded. For example, it will use OLED display instead of LCD display, the screen size will increase from 4.7 inches of the previous generation to 6.1 inches, and it has also upgraded the face recognition technology, no longer using fingerprint recognition
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