
    Google Pixel 9 series mobile phone wallpaper exposure, four colors for selection

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Yousan

     Google Pixel 9 series mobile phone wallpaper exposure, four colors for selection

    According to the latest news, the Pixel 9 series of technology company Google mobile phone Coming soon. In addition to the hardware configuration wallpaper It is also a topic of great concern.

    Recently, a senior editor in the digital field published a blog, sharing wallpaper pictures of four models of Pixel 9. These wallpapers are available in a variety of colors and match the actual color of the phone. According to the picture, jade (emerald) is one of the most popular choices.

    In addition, Google Pixel 9 Pro and Pixel 9 Pro XL two folding screen phones also exposed corresponding wallpaper pictures. It is reported that these two mobile phones adopt the theme design of "Swirling petals", presenting the vortex display effect of abstract flowers.

    It is worth mentioning that in the past several Pixel mobile phones, Google has cooperated with artists to design wallpaper. For example, the wallpaper designed by Andrew Zuckerman launched on Pixel 8 and Pixel 8a has been loved by users. The wallpaper released this year did not specifically indicate which artist was working with, so it is likely to be created by Google internally.

    To sum up, when the new Pixel mobile phones are about to be launched, users can expect the new visual experience and innovative wallpaper design they bring.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Google Pixel 9 series mobile phone wallpaper exposure, four colors for selection true report eight hundred and seven According to the latest news, Google's Pixel 9 series mobile phones will be launched soon. In addition to the hardware configuration, the wallpaper of these new phones is also a topic of concern. Recently, a senior editor in the digital field published a blog, sharing wallpaper pictures of four models of Pixel 9. These wallpapers are available in a variety of colors and match the actual color of the phone. According to the picture
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