
    OPPO Reno12 series supports the release of live photos for the first time in the Android industry

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Cheese molecule

    OPPO announced today that the new Reno12 series will support the sharing of live photos to the Little Red Book social platform. This is also the first time in the Android industry that a product supports the release of live photos to help users share more dynamic and dynamic video content.

     OPPO Reno12 series supports the release of live photos for the first time in the Android industry Past Android mobile phone It only supports taking live photos, but cannot be published to social platforms for sharing. OPPO Reno12 series supports the release of live photos in the Android industry for the first time, and supports the beautification and decoration of live photos, providing users with more expressive content expression forms, bringing stronger content appeal, and helping users become the focus of social media.

    For more information about the new Reno12 series, please follow OPPO's official microblog. At 16:00 on May 23, a new product press conference will be held, which can be viewed on the OPPO official website and other live platforms.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: OPPO Reno12 series supports the release of live photos for the first time in the Android industry true report six hundred and thirty-four OPPO announced today that the new Reno12 series will support the sharing of live photos to the Little Red Book social platform. This is also the first time in the Android industry that a product supports the release of live photos to help users share more dynamic and dynamic video content. In the past, Android phones only supported taking live photos, but could not be published to social platforms for sharing. OPPO Reno12 series support release in Android industry for the first time
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