
    On May 20, lock the JD 3C digital live broadcast room and listen to Zhou Hongyi talk about how to select AI equipment

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Cheese molecule

    Want to know Zhou Hongyi's unique views on AI? At 15:30 on May 20, Xu Ran, CEO of JD Group, and Zhou Hongyi, founder of 360 Group, will discuss the latest development trend of AI technology in depth in JD 3C digital acquisition and marketing studio, and share their latest achievements in the AI field. It is worth mentioning that Zhou Hongyi will also share his original intention and vision of why he is going to do live broadcast in the studio. Interested users can make an appointment to watch the live broadcast by opening the JD APP on May 20 to search for "JD Friends Season". There is also a chance to win the 360 blockbuster intelligent hardware products sent by Zhou Hongyi by participating in the interaction in the live broadcast room.

     On May 20, lock the JD 3C digital live broadcast room and listen to Zhou Hongyi talk about how to select AI equipment

    At present, AI technology is gradually penetrating into all walks of life, and has a profound impact on it. In recent years, JD has been committed to improving user experience and optimizing operational efficiency through AI technology. In the live broadcast, Xu Ran, CEO of JD Group, will introduce in detail JD's achievements in AI technology applications, including intelligent outbound calls, intelligent customer service and other innovative applications. These technologies not only improve JD's operational efficiency, but also promote the upgrading of user experience and the growth of transaction frequency.

     On May 20, lock the JD 3C digital live broadcast room and listen to Zhou Hongyi talk about how to select AI equipment

    With the rapid development of AI technology, the integration of intelligent terminals and AI is the general trend. Many people believe that 2024 may be the "first year of AI hardware". In order to meet consumers' demand for AI hardware, JD has created special positions for AI hardware such as "AI Equipment Hall" in the station, bringing together the latest AIPC, AI mouse, AI keyboard, AI glasses, AI projector and other products to provide consumers with a wealth of AI hardware choices. If you want to know which AI products are worth buying, you'd better lock in the JD 3C digital studio and listen to what Zhou Hongyi said.

    As an Internet company, 360 Group, relying on years of accumulation of artificial intelligence technology, launched its own 100 billion universal model "360 Brain", and redefined search and browser Relying on the AI model, 360 has also launched 360 children's smart watches, 360 smart cameras, 360 smart door locks and other AI smart hardware. How do these intelligent hardware integrate with AI and what kind of intelligent experience can they bring to consumers? Netizens can also communicate face to face with Zhou Hongyi in the JD 3C digital marketing studio, and have the opportunity to obtain 360 smart digital products for free.

    The day of the live broadcast coincides with the special day of 520. If you don't know what gift to give your partner, you can also check the popular AI equipment in the live broadcast room. With the help of "Jingdong Second Delivery", these AI items will be delivered to you as quickly as possible. Whether you are an AI technology enthusiast or a consumer, don't miss this rare opportunity. At 15:30 on May 20, log in to JD APP, search for "JD Friends Season", and listen to the wonderful collision of the big guys on AI topic!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: On May 20, lock the JD 3C digital live broadcast room and listen to Zhou Hongyi talk about how to select AI equipment true report one thousand seven hundred and forty-nine Want to know Zhou Hongyi's unique views on AI? At 15:30 on May 20, Xu Ran, CEO of JD Group, and Zhou Hongyi, founder of 360 Group, will discuss the latest development trend of AI technology in depth in JD 3C digital acquisition and marketing studio, and share their latest achievements in the AI field. It is worth mentioning that Zhou Hongyi will also share with you in the studio why he is going to do the first live broadcast
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