
    IPhone 16 Pro Max or the first stainless steel battery case for enhanced thermal protection

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: The sea is the reflection of the sky

    According to well-known analyst Guo Mingxuan, Apple plans to launch iPhone 16 Pro Max improves the energy density of its battery. This means that under the same volume, the mobile phone Its endurance will be stronger; In the case of the same endurance, its volume will also be smaller.

    In order to deal with the heat problem caused by the increase of battery energy density, Apple used a stainless steel battery case for the first time to dissipate heat. Although the heat dissipation effect of stainless steel is not as good as that of aluminum, its durability and resistance corrosion More sexual. In addition to heat dissipation, the stainless steel battery case can also provide better protection performance, which protects the battery and iPhone system. The use of stainless steel battery case can also reduce the difficulty of battery disassembly, which also helps Apple meet the requirements of EU regulations for mobile phone battery disassembly in the future.

    Xinwei Communication is one of the main suppliers of stainless steel battery cases. According to the order volume, this order will contribute less than 5% to the revenue of SINO Communications in 2024. However, due to Apple's high requirements for stamping production procedures, the gross margin of stainless steel battery shells is better than that of ordinary metal stampings, and it is expected to achieve good profits in the second quarter.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: IPhone 16 Pro Max or the first stainless steel battery case for enhanced thermal protection true report one thousand According to well-known analyst Guo Mingxuan, Apple plans to improve the energy density of its battery in the upcoming iPhone 16 Pro Max. This means that under the same volume, the endurance of the phone will be stronger; In the case of the same endurance, its volume will also be smaller. In order to deal with the heat problem caused by the increase of battery energy density, Apple has adopted stainless steel batteries for the first time
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