
    Exposed Ace 3 Pro will be equipped with 6100mAh battery

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Block building block

    Online message of Zhongguancun: Recently, the famous digital blogger @ digital chat station exposed a product suspected of being a new one, saying that it has a built-in 2970 * 2=5940mAh min dual cell battery, with a typical equivalent value of 6100mAh ±, and supports 100W charging.

     Exposed Ace 3 Pro will be equipped with 6100mAh battery

    According to the previous revelations, this one plus Ace 3 Pro may be released in the second half of this year, equipped with the leading performance Snapdragon 8 Gen3 chip, high-quality LTPO screen on the front, and 50 million pixel flagship camera, with a powerful and comprehensive overall experience. Referring to the positioning of the previous generation of products, the Ace 3 Pro is roughly positioned at the price range of 3000 yuan, focusing on the all-around price performance flagship.

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Exposed Ace 3 Pro will be equipped with 6100mAh battery true report five hundred and four Zhongguancun online news: Recently, the famous digital blogger @ digital chat station exposed a product suspected to be a new one, saying that it has a built-in 2970 * 2=5940mAh min dual cell battery with an equivalent typical value of 6100mAh ±, supporting 100W charging. According to the previous revelations, this one plus Ace 3 Pro may be released in the second half of this year, equipped with the leading performance Snapdragon 8 Gen3 chip, and the front is high
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