
    The price is 349 yuan! The new Nokia 3210 copier officially launched

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Milk Saury
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    01 Nokia 3210 4G phone goes on sale

    Product: three thousand two hundred and ten NOKIA mobile phone

     The price is 349 yuan! The new Nokia 3210 copier officially launched

    New Nokia 3210 4G mobile phone Officially released today, the price is 349 yuan. This new phone is a replica of the Nokia 3210 phone in 1999, and has three colors: black, blue and gold.

    The new machine uses a 2 4 inches IPS screen, and is equipped with 8 shortcut number keyboards. In addition, the new phone also supports the function of calling a family number by one button. At the same time, you can use Alipay QR code or barcode to make payment.

    In terms of communication, the new machine supports the dual card dual standby dual 4G full network communication function. According to data, the Nokia 3210 phone was released on March 18, 1999, and was considered to be one of the smallest and simplest phones in the market at that time. The sales volume of this mobile phone exceeded 160 million units, which also made Nokia stand firm in the mobile phone market at that time.

    02 Nokia 3210 detailed parameters

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