
    [Slow hands] New Motorola products come on the market! RAZR 40 Ultra is 5199 yuan!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: River of Dream

    What is the difference between Moto Razr 40 Ultra and Moto Razr 40 Ultra Extra Magenta Exclusive true report one thousand and seven hundred Motorola's new razr 40 Ultra folding screen phone offers an unexpected choice of phones. The price of this mobile phone is reasonable and its performance is excellent. It sells for 5699 yuan on the JD Mall. The coupon of 5389 yuan minus 200 yuan is used together with the coupon of 5698 yuan minus 300 yuan. The actual payment is only 5199 yuan. Compared with other similar products, this price is really hard to refuse
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