
    Huawei returns to the top! Domestic Q1 Mobile Phone Sales Ranking Announces Apple's Drop by 25%

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Milk Saury

     Huawei returns to the top! Domestic Q1 Mobile Phone Sales Ranking Announces Apple's Drop by 25%

    Huawei regains intelligence in mainland China mobile phone The market is the first, and Apple has become the biggest drop in the top five manufacturers. According to the latest report of Canalys, a statistics agency, Huawei's shipments in the first quarter of 2024 will reach 11.7 million units, with a market share of 17% OPPO Reno 11 Series, with a shipment of 10.9 million units. Glory, vivo and Apple ranked third, fourth and fifth respectively. Glory ranked third with 10.6 million units shipped, up 9% year on year; Vivo's shipment volume of 10.3 million units followed closely, with a year-on-year decline of 9%; Apple fell the most among the top five manufacturers, ranking fifth with 10 million units shipped, down 25% year on year.

    Zhu Jiatao, senior analyst at Canalys, said: "The growth rate of the Chinese market at the beginning of the year was still lower than the global recovery rate of 11%, giving Huawei room to seize market share and quickly regain the crown. The production and supply shortages of Mate60 series gradually improved in the first quarter, becoming an important factor driving Huawei's overall growth. In addition to the high-end product line, Huawei released the nova 12 series in December, which is equipped with Hongmeng 4.0 and supports two-way satellite communications, to further expand the application range of Kirin chips and successfully drive the performance of the mid end price segment. This month, Huawei comprehensively upgraded the P series to Pura 70, and used the breakthrough telescopic lens technology to improve the image performance, causing hot market debate. So far, Huawei has completed the whole iteration of mobile phone products and continued to inject vitality into the market. "

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Huawei returns to the top! Domestic Q1 Mobile Phone Sales Ranking Announces Apple's Drop by 25% true report one thousand one hundred and nine Huawei regained the first place in the smartphone market in mainland China, while Apple became the biggest drop among the top five manufacturers. According to the latest report of Canalys, a statistics agency, Huawei shipped 11.7 million units in the first quarter of 2024, with a market share of 17%. The OPPO Reno 11 series ranked second, with a shipment of 10.9 million units. Glory, vivo and Apple ranked third, fourth and fifth respectively. Glory to 1060
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