
    New quality image power, mobile phone capture is expected to drive the new development of domestic industrial chain

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Biscuit

    Recently, Huawei's Pura70 series released mobile phone The capture function has become the focus again, and its excellent capture performance has won widespread praise in the market. According to IDC data, Glory and Huawei ranked first and second in the market share in the first quarter of 2024, which not only demonstrates the leading position of the two companies in the mobile phone market, but also indicates that their active innovation in the field of image capture technology will become an important engine to promote the new development of the domestic industry chain.

     New quality image power, mobile phone capture is expected to drive the new development of domestic industrial chain

    IDC reports that, thanks to the increase of AI functions and the all-round upgrade of images and screens, the first quarter shipments of Magic6 series exceeded the sum of the first quarter shipments of the previous generation products; With regard to the strong increase of Huawei's market share, IDC believes that Huawei's Mate60 series continue to be in short supply, and the nova12 series account for one-third of Huawei's total quarterly shipments. However, the supply problem is still the key factor limiting Huawei's shipment further. Next quarter, with Huawei's P series fully upgraded to HUAWEIPura70, it is expected to help Huawei's shipment continue to increase rapidly.

    And from Glory Magic6 The popularity of the series and Huawei Pura70 not only reflects the strong demand of the market for high-quality image capture function, but also demonstrates the excellent ability of domestic mobile phone manufacturers to meet this demand. As early as four years ago, Glory has prospectively deployed eagle eye capture technology, laying a solid foundation for the development of mobile phone capture technology. The flash shooting technology of Huawei Pura70 series and the glorious eagle eye capture technology reflect each other, jointly promoting the progress of domestic mobile phones in the field of imaging technology, so that consumer friends can enjoy the leap of experience brought by the evolution of mobile imaging technology.

     New quality image power, mobile phone capture is expected to drive the new development of domestic industrial chain

     New quality image power, mobile phone capture is expected to drive the new development of domestic industrial chain

    Not only that, the layout and technological innovation breakthroughs of Glory and Huawei in the capture track have also injected new vitality into the development of the domestic component industry chain. Huawei Pura70 series and Glory Magic6 series both use domestic components in key components. For example, Glory introduces technologies in the automotive field, uses the customized H9800 sensor (OV50K) with ultra-high light ratio based on LOFIC technology and the focusing system of 1200 point laser radar array, and for example, Huawei uses the world's first super focusing telescopic camera.

     New quality image power, mobile phone capture is expected to drive the new development of domestic industrial chain

    As more and more domestic mobile phones adopt these new technologies, the domestic mobile phone industry chain will gradually transform from low-end to high-end, promoting its competitiveness in the global market. In addition, the technological innovation of domestic mobile phone manufacturers will also encourage more domestic suppliers to carry out technological upgrading and product innovation, thus forming a benign industrial cycle and driving the high-end development of the entire industrial chain.


    In a word, the successful application of Glory and Huawei in image capture technology not only improves the brand image and market competitiveness of domestic mobile phones, but also provides strong support for the rise of high-end domestic industry chain and new development. With the continuous investment and innovation of the two companies in the video capture track, we have reason to believe that the domestic mobile phone industry will usher in a brighter future.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: New quality image power, mobile phone capture is expected to drive the new development of domestic industrial chain true report one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one Recently, the release of Huawei's Pura70 series has made the mobile phone snapshot function the focus again, and its outstanding snapshot performance has won widespread praise in the market. According to IDC data, Glory and Huawei ranked first and second in the market share in the first quarter of 2024, which not only demonstrates the leading position of the two companies in the mobile phone market, but also indicates their active innovation in the field of image capture technology
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