
    IQOO magnetic heat dissipation back clip experience delicate small body, great heat dissipation

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Cheese molecule

    Recently, the temperature has been rising, which makes me get stuck in the iPhone when playing games, and dare not take it out to play games. If the mobile phone is operated in a high heat state for a long time, in addition to the game getting more and more stuck, it will also cause irreversible damage to the battery and internal parts. Therefore, it is necessary for those who often play games to buy a cooling clip. However, the traditional heat dissipation back clip basically adopts the clamping design. The larger size and the impact of the clamp on the phone keys have a great impact on the user experience.

    Under such circumstances, the magnetic suction design led by Apple has become a suitable solution, which can not only make loading and unloading easier, but also make the heat dissipation clip fit the body more closely. Just in time, I recently experienced the iQOO magnetic heat dissipation back clip produced by iQOO. This delicate, small and powerful heat dissipation device saved my phone.  

    At the first sight of the iQOO magnetic heat dissipation clip, I believe you can feel the difference between it and the general heat dissipation clip. Unlike most of the cooling back clips, the iQOO magnetic absorption cooling back clip is very delicate and compact. The body thickness is only 19.9mm and the weight is only 69g. In addition to the tool properties, it also adds fashion elements to the cooling back clip. With the central RGB light bar, the game atmosphere is more full.

     IQOO magnetic heat dissipation back clip experience delicate small body, great heat dissipation

    The cooling fin inside the cooling back clip adopts an innovative through design to integrate the cooling fan into the body core, further improving the cooling effect, and visually making the fan "invisible" look more simple. In terms of interface, the iQOO magnetic absorption cooling back clip is designed with detachable charging wire. The body provides a Type-C interface, and the package also provides a C-C data cable for users to use.

     IQOO magnetic heat dissipation back clip experience delicate small body, great heat dissipation

    In practical use, the detailed design of the iQOO magnetic suction cooling back clip can also make users more convenient. Different from the switch design of the ordinary cooling back clip, the iQOO magnetic suction cooling back clip starts when it is powered on, and can quickly cool down in a few seconds, so that you will not be distracted by cooling in the intense game process.

    After talking about the appearance, let's actually test the heat dissipation effect of iQOO magnetic heat dissipation clip. Here I choose the mobile game scene that everyone cares about most, and use the iPhone 15 Pro to play the original God game for 30 minutes with and without the heat dissipation clip. The image quality is set to 60 frames+high image quality.

     IQOO magnetic heat dissipation back clip experience delicate small body, great heat dissipation
    Original God frame rate performance before using heat dissipation clip

     IQOO magnetic heat dissipation back clip experience delicate small body, great heat dissipation
    The frame rate performance of Original Spirit after using the heat dissipation clip

    After 30 minutes of game, the maximum temperature of the rear shell of the iPhone 15 Pro with iQOO magnetic absorption cooling clip is 6.3 ℃ lower than that of the bare machine with no cooling clip at room temperature, and the average frame rate of the game is also increased from 46 fps to 59.7 fps. It can be seen that with the help of the cooling clip, the iPhone not only has a more stable game frame rate, but also has a significant drop in the average body temperature, which can significantly improve the user's game experience.

     IQOO magnetic heat dissipation back clip experience delicate small body, great heat dissipation
    Average temperature of the back of the fuselage before using the heat dissipation clip

     IQOO magnetic heat dissipation back clip experience delicate small body, great heat dissipation
    Average temperature of the back of the fuselage after using the heat dissipation clip

    It is worth mentioning that the iQOO magnetic suction cooling back clip, like the ordinary cooling back clip, will generate obvious heat during operation. However, due to its unique X-shaped air duct design, the air enters all around and exits vertically from the top, there is no problem of hot air blowing hands in the actual experience.

    On the whole, iQOO magnetic suction cooling back clip has a good performance in all aspects. In appearance, it has got rid of the fixed mode of the traditional heat dissipation back clip silly big black thick. The small and delicate body makes the hand less burdened during the game. The pure white shell and cool RGB light effect can also be remembered at a glance. In terms of the heat dissipation effect, it can also successfully suppress the iPhone 15 Pro running the "Original God" all over the frame, so that the heat in daily use is not a problem. In such a hot summer day, it is believed that choosing iQOO magnetic heat dissipation back clip can make your game journey more cool.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: IQOO magnetic heat dissipation back clip experience delicate small body, great heat dissipation true report two thousand five hundred and thirty-seven Recently, the temperature has been rising, which makes me get stuck in the iPhone when playing games, and dare not take it out to play games. If the mobile phone is operated in a high heat state for a long time, in addition to the game getting more and more stuck, it will also cause irreversible damage to the battery and internal parts. Therefore, it is necessary for those who often play games to buy a cooling clip. However, the traditional heat dissipation back clip basically adopts the clamping design
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