
    Another car company started making mobile phones! FAW will launch high-end mobile phones of Hongqi brand

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Biscuit

    On April 18, at the Fifth Science and Technology Conference of FAW, FAW signed a strategic cooperation agreement on smart cockpit with Ecotone Technology. According to the cooperation agreement, the two sides will start comprehensive strategic cooperation in the field of smart cockpit, cooperate in the design and development of products related to cockpit domain control, cooperation and co creation of products related to ecological terminals, and the ecological operation and operation and maintenance of the Internet of Vehicles, establish the research and development capability of the integrated whole stack of smart cockpit end management cloud, and jointly launch the highly competitive Hongqi smart cockpit and Hongqi OS. At the same time, the two sides will also jointly launch the high-end Hongqi brand mobile phone

     Another car company started making mobile phones! FAW will launch high-end mobile phones of Hongqi brand

    Auto companies do not make many mobile phones. Both Weilai and Geely Galaxy have made their own mobile phones. Li Bin said that not to make money, nor because mobile phone companies are building cars, but because Ulai users need a mobile phone that seamlessly connects with Ulai cars. It is built around the car. One of the highlights of NIO Phone is that it can completely replace the car keys and support one mobile phone to control multiple cars. Even if the mobile phone is powered off, it can unlock the car with NFC within 48 hours.

    It can be seen that car enterprises make mobile phones in order to hold the car keys in their own hands, and the future intelligent tram can not do without the help of mobile phones.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Another car company started making mobile phones! FAW will launch high-end mobile phones of Hongqi brand true report seven hundred and thirty-seven On April 18, at the Fifth Science and Technology Conference of FAW, FAW signed a strategic cooperation agreement on smart cockpit with Ecotone Technology. According to the cooperation agreement, the two sides will open a comprehensive strategic cooperation in the field of smart cockpit, carry out cooperation in the design and development of products related to cockpit domain control, cooperation and co creation of products related to ecological terminals, ecological operation and operation and maintenance of the Internet of Vehicles, and establish an integration of smart cockpit end management cloud
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