
    [Slow Handedness] 12GB+256GB Real GT Neo6 SE 5G mobile phone only sold for 1869 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Have you met him

    Real me GT Neo6 SE 5G mobile phone

    The discount activity is open, and the price of this item in Jingdong Mall is 1899 yuan. After purchase, you can get back 30 yuan of Jingdou by printing the order, and only 1869 yuan is paid. The price is good in the near future. The original price is 1899.00 yuan, and now it is more cost-effective.

    Real GT Neo6 SE 5G mobile phone, and the screen is designed to dig holes in the middle. In terms of configuration, it is equipped with MediaTek Tianji 1200 processor, which has strong performance. Memory is 12GB+256GB, running smoothly without jamming. In addition, the machine also supports dual mode 5G network, with fast and stable network speed. The back of the mobile phone adopts a streamlined design, which makes it feel comfortable and natural. To sum up, Real GT Neo6 SE is a 5G mobile phone with high cost performance.

    The promotion activity is in full swing. Those who want to replace the new machine should not miss this opportunity. Please place an order quickly, friends you like!

     Real GT Neo6 SE (12GB/256GB)

    Good price information comes from enthusiastic netizens and merchants' active exposure and recommendation. The promotional discounts and price information of goods may change in real time. Please check and confirm before purchasing. If you find any problems, you are welcome to give feedback through the "content correction", "error correction and problem suggestions" or direct "comments" on the page.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow Handedness] 12GB+256GB Real GT Neo6 SE 5G mobile phone only sold for 1869 yuan true report eight hundred and thirty-eight The promotional activity of Real GT Neo6 SE 5G mobile phone was opened, and the price of this model in Jingdong Mall was 1899 yuan. After purchase, you can get back 30 yuan of Jingdou by printing the order, and only 1869 yuan is paid. The price is good in the near future. The original price is 1899.00 yuan, and now it is more cost-effective. The real GT Neo6 SE 5G mobile phone has a central hole digging screen. In terms of configuration, it is equipped with MediaTek Tianji 1200 processor, which has strong performance. Memory is 12GB+256GB, running
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