
    Will the release of Xiaomi SU7 and Xiaomi Civi4 Pro bring female users to Xiaomi?

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Biscuit

    In the digital industry, it is rare to see female friends actively participate. According to the author's observation, they are generally not interested in digital products. Mi phones In the early stage, more attention was paid to the Internet promotion, which attracted a large number of male groups who like digital with their performance and machine brushing. They are willing to work on some digital projects. This also led to Xiaomi mobile phone The proportion of male and female users reached 7:3. Will the release of Xiaomi SU7 and Xiaomi Civi4 Pro bring female users to Xiaomi?

    After 14 years of development, the online sales of Xiaomi mobile phones have occupied an absolute dominant position, but the domestic sales have been hovering in the fifth place for a long time, because the performance of Xiaomi's offline, high-end and female markets is poor. The offline market has achieved remarkable results after 4 years of hard work; Xiaomi 13 as well as Xiaomi 14 Two successive generations of success, 4000 yuan and 6000 yuan market first, high-end market is half success; The women's market has been tepid.

    stay Xiaomi Civi Previously, it launched the millet note goddess version in the early stage, and Meitu Co launch Xiaomi CC9 series, Xiaomi 11 Youth Edition Xiaomi 5X, Xiaomi 6X, it can be seen that Xiaomi has always attached great importance to the female market. But in terms of market promotion, it is still Xiaomi's style. For example, the slogan of Xiaomi 6X's press conference: "Same configuration, half price".

    There are many offline mobile phones in the same period as Xiaomi 6X. When a friend's 3000 yuan mobile phone and 1500 yuan Xiaomi 6X mobile phone are put together, it may be true that "the same configuration, half the price", but offline consumers may prefer "one price, one price".

     Will the release of Xiaomi SU7 and Xiaomi Civi4 Pro bring female users to Xiaomi?

    The offline 3000 yuan mobile phone is very expensive in CMF (color, material, process). It feels like a high-end mobile phone. The Xiaomi mobile phone that pays attention to cost performance and performance will be missing in this respect, leading female users who pay attention to appearance to give up choosing the Xiaomi mobile phone. Of course, female users of Xiaomi mobile phones account for a small proportion, and the lack of early channel construction is also a key factor.

    The launch of Xiaomi Civi shows that Xiaomi has made reflection and improvement on its products. In addition to the parameter leadership of the competing products, it also makes the texture that offline machines should have, and adds a front dual soft light to add another big selling point.

    However, due to the pressure of cost, plastic frames are used (plastic is all used at the same price). The texture of Xiaomi Civi in the later stage is lower than that of the original generation in terms of configuration and feel, and the sales performance is not good. There is a trend of "working hard, failing again, and running out three times".

    With the release of Xiaomi Civi4Pro, Xiaomi finally regained its feeling.

    Like Xiaomi 13, the actual performance of Xiaomi Civi4Pro is reborn. Its product is defined as Xiaomi 14 Pro lite.

    It has released the same depth micro curved screen, metal frame and Leica image, which are unique to high-end computers, and even used the sub flagship chip Qualcomm 8s Gen3. The price reached 2999 yuan, filling the gap of Xiaomi in the 3000 yuan price range.

     Will the release of Xiaomi SU7 and Xiaomi Civi4 Pro bring female users to Xiaomi?

    After 10 minutes of sales, Xiaomi Civi4Pro has doubled the daily sales of the previous generation. Even though the price is high, consumers still recognize the stronger performance, stronger photography, and more exquisite hand feel.

    In fact, for the success of Xiaomi's Civi4Pro, the author believes that what Xiaomi should think about is "the same configuration, half the price" and "the same price, better configuration". That sentence can make consumers buy more.

    After the launch of Xiaomi SU7, it has become a rare phenomenal product in recent years, especially popular with many women. You should know that Xiaomi SU7 is a sporty car. In China, the combination of pure electricity+sports+cars is not easy to sell except for Tesla. Surprisingly, the Xiaomi SU7 has broken the circle. What's more, women account for half of the users of the Xiaomi SU7.

    Lei Jun said at the internal meeting of Xiaomi that he was surprised that Xiaomi SU7 captured the hearts of so many women, and 30% of them bought it directly. Lei Jun said that these female car owners may not remember 2.78 seconds, but they were moved by SU7's "face value+sunscreen+storage". It is estimated that female car owners will account for nearly 50% of the total, with the superposition of buying for wives/girlfriends.

    This is a huge breakthrough for Xiaomi. No one can predict that the market of Xiaomi, which has been unable to break down for a long time, will break down with an average price of 250000 auto products.

     Will the release of Xiaomi SU7 and Xiaomi Civi4 Pro bring female users to Xiaomi?

    In fact, Xiaomi can also learn from the slogan of Porsche: "It's not just a drive, it's an experience" (this is not just a driving experience, but an experience).

    On International Women's Day, Porsche invited car owners to talk about their love for driving, their enthusiasm for their cars, and what it means for them to own a Porsche.

    What can Xiaomi Car bring to women? Xiaomi analyzed that it was because of "face value+sunscreen+storage". I think face value is the most important, and experience is also very important. When Xiaomi achieves the top level of car hardware parameters, experience is the most important part. Experience includes sunscreen and makeup mirror. Smart driving brings ease. The most important thing is the emotional value brought by Xiaomi's natural flow. Wherever you go, you are the focus.

    Xiaomi products have a remarkable feature. Once you enter the Xiaomi Mall, you want to buy them. Xiaomi's products are high in appearance and cheap in price. Its product line covers almost all electrical appliances accessible to ordinary people and can be interconnected. Once you get a product, you will always check whether Xiaomi sells it when you buy something.

    This time, many female friends will know Xiaomi again and discover its strength. The success of Xiaomi 13, Xiaomi Civi4 Pro and Xiaomi SU7 may bring some thinking to the Xiaomi team. Parameters and experience can be organically combined.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Will the release of Xiaomi SU7 and Xiaomi Civi4 Pro bring female users to Xiaomi? true report three thousand six hundred and thirty-one In the digital industry, it is rare to see female friends actively participate. According to the author's observation, they are generally not interested in digital products. In the early stage, Xiaomi mobile phones paid more attention to the Internet promotion, attracting a large number of male groups who like digital with their performance and brushing, and they are willing to toss about some digital projects. This also led to the ratio of male and female users of Xiaomi mobile phones reaching 7:3. After 14 years of Xiaomi mobile phones
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