
    The delivery of Xiaomi SU7 needs to wait until the end of the year? Xiaomi SU7 is hard to find

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: A melon eater

    According to the latest data of Xiaomi Auto App, as of the afternoon of April 1, consumers had different waiting times after locking the order. The expected delivery time of the Xiaomi SU7 standard version is 19 to 22 weeks, the SU7 Pro is 18 to 21 weeks, and the highest configuration SU7 Max requires a waiting period of 28 to 31 weeks. This means that if consumers place an order now, they will have to wait at least four months before picking up the car, and the delivery of SU7 Max will have to wait until the end of the year.

     The delivery of Xiaomi SU7 needs to wait until the end of the year? Xiaomi SU7 is hard to find

    However, in the promotion strategy of Xiaomi Motors, if consumers want to place an order before April 30, they will be able to get free configurations worth more than 10000 yuan, including Nappa leather seats, refrigerators, luxury audio, etc. For those consumers who want to buy but choose to wait and see, missing this time limit may mean that they need to pay a higher cost to obtain the same configuration.

     The delivery of Xiaomi SU7 needs to wait until the end of the year? Xiaomi SU7 is hard to find

    It is worth noting that the annual design capacity of Xiaomi Auto Beijing Super Factory is 150000 vehicles, but it will take some time for the capacity to climb. In this process, product quality problems may also gradually exposed. In fact, Tesla and other car companies have encountered similar problems in the early stage of capacity ramp up. The first batch of cars often have defects such as rough workmanship. This is undoubtedly a challenge for Xiaomi Automobile, because any product quality problem may have a negative impact on the reputation of the enterprise.

    Therefore, for consumers who are interested in purchasing Xiaomi SU7, they need to make a trade-off between waiting time and potential cost. At the same time, Xiaomi Automobile also needs to ensure the stability of product quality while achieving the ramp up of production capacity to maintain its brand image and market position.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The delivery of Xiaomi SU7 needs to wait until the end of the year? Xiaomi SU7 is hard to find true report one thousand and ninety-four According to the latest data of Xiaomi Auto App, as of the afternoon of April 1, consumers had different waiting times after locking the order. The expected delivery time of the Xiaomi SU7 standard version is 19 to 22 weeks, the SU7 Pro is 18 to 21 weeks, and the highest configuration SU7 Max requires a waiting period of 28 to 31 weeks. This means that if consumers place an order now, they need to wait at least four months before picking up the car, while SU7 Ma
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