
    In January 2024, the shipment volume of Southeast Asia mobile phone market surged by 20%, and the shipment volume of domestic mobile phones increased significantly

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Biscuit

    According to Canalys, a well-known statistics organization, in January 2024, the intelligence of five major markets in Southeast Asia mobile phone The shipment volume soared to 7.26 million units, a year-on-year surge of 20%. By the end of 2023, many festivals have stimulated consumer demand, and smartphone manufacturers that focus on low-end areas have taken advantage of the opportunity to expand their sales.

     In January 2024, the shipment volume of Southeast Asia mobile phone market surged by 20%, and the shipment volume of domestic mobile phones increased significantly

    The Indonesian market plays an important strategic role in Southeast Asia. In January, 2.7 million mobile phones were shipped, accounting for 38% of the market, with a year-on-year growth of 12%. OPPO returned to the top with the Ax8 series. Xiaomizi brand POCO New machines were hot online, up 30%. The Philippines, as the second largest market, increased its shipments by 77% to 1.5 million units, and the voice industry consolidated its market share by 37% through subsidies and e-sports sponsorship, realme Launch low-cost Note50 series to cope with the competition.

    Thailand's smartphone shipments increased slightly by 5% to 1.3 million units, and manufacturers adapted to the economic environment with 5G models and cost-effective strategies; The Vietnamese market declined by 2% to 848000, and Xiaomi's share increased by 288% to 21%, mainly relying on the Note 13 series. The Malaysian market showed resilience, increasing by 33% month on month to 831000 units. With the promotion of 5G popularization by the government, Samsung and Glory increased cooperation with operators and achieved remarkable results, leading the market with 20% and doubled shipments respectively.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: In January 2024, the shipment volume of Southeast Asia mobile phone market surged by 20%, and the shipment volume of domestic mobile phones increased significantly true report eight hundred and twenty According to Canalys, a well-known statistics organization, in January 2024, smartphone shipments in the five major markets in Southeast Asia soared to 7.26 million, a year-on-year surge of 20%. By the end of 2023, many festivals have stimulated consumer demand, and smartphone manufacturers that focus on low-end areas have taken advantage of the opportunity to expand their sales. The Indonesian market plays an important strategic role in Southeast Asia. In January, 2.7 million mobile phones were shipped, accounting for 38% of the market share
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