
    What is the performance level of Snapdragon 7+Gen3? Look at the measured results

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Biscuit

    Recently, the digital chat station of the digital blogger announced the performance measurement of Snapdragon 7+Gen3. Qualcomm Snapdragon 7+Gen3 processor has made significant progress in energy efficiency ratio. Its X4 core design is the same as that of Snapdragon 8Gen3, making the chip "small 8Gen3" in energy efficiency performance. This feature undoubtedly gives a new performance standard to the high-end market. In the actual test, Snapdragon 7+Gen3 scored 1848 points for single core and 5007 points for multi core in the GB6 benchmark test. The CPU performance was stable and superior to MediaTek's 8300, and to some extent, it was close to the flagship Snapdragon 8Gen2.

     What is the performance level of Snapdragon 7+Gen3? Look at the measured results

     What is the performance level of Snapdragon 7+Gen3? Look at the measured results

     What is the performance level of Snapdragon 7+Gen3? Look at the measured results

    In terms of graphics processing capability, the GFX ES 3.1 test achieved a frame rate of 192FPS, and the actual game experience is even more remarkable. One plus Ace After 3V is equipped with Snapdragon 7+Gen3《 Glory of Kings 》In human-machine mode, the average operation speed is 120 fps under the extreme image quality, and the power consumption is only 3.12W; With the smooth image quality of Elite of Peace, the average frame rate can reach 89.6fps, and the corresponding power consumption is 3.49W. This shows the excellent smoothness and power consumption control advantages under low load, which is significantly better than the performance of the competing Tianji 8300 and close to the performance of Snapdragon 8Gen2.

     What is the performance level of Snapdragon 7+Gen3? Look at the measured results

     What is the performance level of Snapdragon 7+Gen3? Look at the measured results

    Even in the original God game with high hardware requirements, when the Xumi map scene is tested with 720P full height picture quality, an average frame rate of 60fps can be achieved with the addition of Ace3V, and the power consumption is 5.38W at this time. Although the energy consumption performance under high load is not as good as that of Snapdragon 8Gen2, it is still significantly improved compared with Tianji 8300. This performance is excellent for a mid end product.

     What is the performance level of Snapdragon 7+Gen3? Look at the measured results

    The core value of Snapdragon 7+Gen3 lies in its excellent energy consumption ratio optimization. With the addition of Ace3V's built-in 5500mAh large capacity battery and 100W fast charging technology, the endurance has become the biggest highlight of this product. From the current training situation, Yijia has made fine adjustments to the first launch configuration of Ace3V, and the overall performance and endurance balance have been well grasped. Although the specific release date is not available Have a letter It was mentioned in the information, but it can be predicted that once Yijia Ace3V is officially launched, with the excellent energy efficiency of Snapdragon 7+Gen3 and the excellent integration ability of software and hardware mobile phone There is a new wave of competition in the market.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: What is the performance level of Snapdragon 7+Gen3? Look at the measured results true report one thousand four hundred and twenty-three Recently, the digital chat station of the digital blogger announced the performance measurement of Snapdragon 7+Gen3. Qualcomm Snapdragon 7+Gen3 processor has made significant progress in energy efficiency ratio. Its X4 core design is the same as that of Snapdragon 8Gen3, making the chip "small 8Gen3" in energy efficiency performance. This feature undoubtedly gives a new performance standard to the high-end market. In the actual test, Snapdragon 7+Gen3 in GB6
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