
    Don't look, don't know! Both support cross end operations. Huawei and Xiaomi are so similar

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Aku

    mobile phone After more than ten years of development, the circle has survived to today's brands. It can be said that there are more or less a few brushes. In particular, brands like Huawei and Xiaomi, which have high popularity themselves, have their own advantages in experience. However, when smart phones have "rolled" to a certain level, it is easy to see the situation that "although they are products of two different brands, their functions are very similar". Some people say that "different paths lead to the same goal", while others say that "salute" and "plagiarize".

    Of course, functions are all designed to serve the needs of users, so it seems that no one copied who. What's more, many functions or designs were first applied by anyone, which is a confused account. For example, domestic mobile phones are almost wiping out iOS, and Meizu's "dark mode" and "game space", the first to use, which mobile phone is not available today?

    Because of this, many users will find a problem. Today, when talking about the experience of domestic mobile phone systems, it seems that there is nothing to say. After all, the functions are very similar, and even the interface UI design is beginning to converge.

     Don't look, don't know! Both support cross end operations. Huawei and Xiaomi are so similar

     Don't look, don't know! Both support cross end operations. Huawei and Xiaomi are so similar

    As mentioned by the author here, cross end operation, we know that both Huawei and Xiaomi are relatively first-class manufacturers in ecological construction. Their product lines are not only mobile phones, but also tablet, notebook, smart home and other terminal devices. How to achieve efficient and easy-to-use Internet experience between different devices has always been a distinctive feature of Huawei Hongmeng and Xiaomi.

    However, in fact, Hongmeng and Pengpai are also very similar in terms of implementation forms for cross end operations. For example, among mobile phones, laptops and tablets, Huawei has brought functions such as multi screen collaboration and super transit stations. The definition of multi screen collaboration between different devices on Huawei's official website is as follows:

    • Connect the mobile phone and the tablet, mirror the mobile phone window on the tablet, and use mobile applications, drag and drop, and edit mobile phone files more efficiently;
    • Connect Huawei tablet and Huawei computer. You can drag and drop content freely between the tablet and computer, share keys and mice flexibly, and achieve dual screen operation.
    • Connect the mobile phone to the notebook, use the keyboard and mouse on the notebook to control the mobile phone, share and edit mobile phone files across systems, copy and paste text, etc.

     Don't look, don't know! Both support cross end operations. Huawei and Xiaomi are so similar
    Huawei Super Transfer Station

    The super transit station supports the copying and pasting of text, pictures, documents and other contents between different applications and different Hongmeng devices. For example, users can copy an image and text from their mobile phones to the transit station. When they log in to the Hongmeng tablet with the same account, they can find the corresponding image and text content from the transit station and copy it to the desired location, which is very convenient for work.

    Xiaomi Pengpai brings cross end Zhilian, which also includes wonderful desktop sharing, Xiaomi mutual transmission, application relay, keyboard and mouse sharing and other functions. As you can see from the name, it is basically similar to the form of Hongmeng multi screen collaboration. For example, the MIAOXIAN desktop also supports opening multiple mobile phone interfaces on tablets and laptops, and supports cross end operations; Xiaomi Mutual allows users to share files quickly between your mobile phone, tablet and computer; Application relay supports seamless connection of multiple applications or tasks between different devices.

     Don't look, don't know! Both support cross end operations. Huawei and Xiaomi are so similar
    Copy a paragraph of text on Xiaomi's notebook

     Don't look, don't know! Both support cross end operations. Huawei and Xiaomi are so similar
    Mi phones Synchronize replication content on

    The function of Huawei's super transit station is called "cross device clipboard" on Xiaomi Pengpai, which means "copy at one end and paste at the other end". However, there are differences in details between the two. Huawei's super transit station can manage the copied content, for example, users can copy pictures, text or documents at the same time, and can freely choose which content to copy when synchronized to the other end, When in use, you can drag from the transit station. In contrast, Xiaomi's surging cross device clipboard can only copy one content at a time, and cannot manage it.

     Don't look, don't know! Both support cross end operations. Huawei and Xiaomi are so similar

    In addition to the above several functions, Xiaomi cross terminal Zhilian also has many functions, such as cross device communication, communication sharing, headset cross device switching, and integrated device center. From the perspective of implementation form and experience, it is the same as Huawei's super terminal and multi device communication sharing, and the overall difference is really small.


    Again, although Hongmeng and Pengpai are highly similar in terms of cross end experience and functional forms, I believe there are still differences in technology. From the current perspective, Huawei Xiaomi is not the only one. The following blue-green factories and glories are similar. In short, for users, efficient and stable cross end interconnection can bring a lot of convenience in work and life. No matter which system or implementation form, as long as it is easy to use, practical and easy to use, it is worth encouraging. Then the question arises. In your daily work, study and life, do you often use cross end operations, and which company has the most comfortable cross end experience?

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Don't look, don't know! Both support cross end operations. Huawei and Xiaomi are so similar true report three thousand and seventeen After more than ten years of development, the mobile phone industry has survived to today's brands. It can be said that there are more or less a few brushes. In particular, brands like Huawei and Xiaomi, which have high popularity themselves, have their own advantages in experience. But then again, smart phones have "rolled" to a certain level, and it is easy to see the situation that "although they are products of two different brands, their functions are very similar"
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