
    Who said that the middle end machine could not take good photos? Do you know these skills

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Block building block

    In the mid tier market, products that focus on performance configuration have always been the mainstream mobile phone They all try to use the top chip to reduce game stuttering and ensure smooth daily operation, but correspondingly, other configurations will be "castrated", such as using plastic frames to reduce hand feel, 1080P screens to reduce costs, etc. The most common is to reduce lens configuration, which is commonly known by consumers as "just scanning a code".

    However, with hard Pieces and Software With the dual optimization of the algorithm, many mid-range mobile phones can also provide good photo taking ability. With some photography skills, the film production effect can also be satisfactory. Today, the author will introduce 4 tips to help you unlock the hidden photography potential of your favorite camera.

    All mobile phones should support the function of turning on the reference line, such as the most basic Jiugongge composition. Different mobile phones have different names for this function, including "reference line", "grid" and "composition line". With the help of these lines, we can more easily arrange the composition when shooting, so that the layout of photos is clear at a glance.

    After opening the reference line, we will briefly introduce several common composition techniques:

    Trichotomy: After opening the composition of Nine Palaces, Place the main body on the intersection or along the division line to make the picture more balanced and layered. This kind of composition is suitable for various shooting scenes such as landscapes and portraits.

     Who said that the middle end machine could not take good photos? Do you know these skills

    Pictures from the network

    Central composition: When shooting, place the subject in the center of the picture, which is suitable for shooting scenes with strong sense of symmetry or balance, or photos that want to emphasize the sense of existence of the subject itself, such as taking portraits, family photos, etc.

     Who said that the middle end machine could not take good photos? Do you know these skills

    Symmetric composition: When shooting, look for scenes with mirror image or repeated elements to create left and right or up and down symmetrical pictures, giving people a sense of order beauty, especially suitable for buildings, water reflection and other subjects.

     Who said that the middle end machine could not take good photos? Do you know these skills

    Fill composition: The main body is full of the whole picture, leaving little or no white space to highlight the details of the theme. It is often used in macro photography or when the texture of the object needs to be emphasized.

     Who said that the middle end machine could not take good photos? Do you know these skills

    Light is the soul of photography. No matter how the equipment is, mastering the use of natural light and artificial light is the key. If the light input of the mobile phone lens is insufficient, we should try to use side light, backlight or backlight to create rich light and shadow effects when shooting, so as to avoid facing the strong light source directly to avoid overexposure or loss of dark details.

     Who said that the middle end machine could not take good photos? Do you know these skills

    When the lens configuration is really unsatisfactory, we need to consider using the help of filters. Some seemingly ordinary scenes, together with distinctive color mixing and algorithm functions, can bring different vitality.

     Who said that the middle end machine could not take good photos? Do you know these skills

    Some mobile phone manufacturers also have some interesting functions built in, such as super moon, starry sky image, etc. When shooting, you can find them in the setting menu in detail, which may surprise you.

     Who said that the middle end machine could not take good photos? Do you know these skills

    After the photos are taken, you can also Make good use of the editing tools or download The professional map editing APP can make the dull photos glow with new vitality by adjusting the basic elements such as color, contrast and brightness, as well as special effects such as cutting and filtering. For example, some manufacturers' systems support the elimination of passers-by, so that the original defective photos can be transformed into excellent films.

     Who said that the middle end machine could not take good photos? Do you know these skills

    The figure shows the OPPO AIGC function. Not every midrange computer has this capability, but the basic map revision must still exist.

    In the end, continuous practice and exploration is an important way to improve the level of photography. Both the mid end and flagship mobile phones are just tools. What really gives life to photos is the vision and technology of the photographer. Regularly participate in photography courses or online tutorials, and constantly accumulate experience. Even if you hold a mid-range mobile phone, you can shoot works with great artistic feeling.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Who said that the middle end machine could not take good photos? Do you know these skills true report two thousand four hundred and five In the mid tier market, products that pay attention to performance configuration have always been the mainstream. These mobile phones are the top chips as far as possible to reduce game stuttering and ensure smooth daily operation, but correspondingly, other configurations will be "castrated", such as using plastic frames to reduce hand feel, 1080P screens to reduce costs, etc. The most common is to reduce lens configuration, That is what consumers commonly call "scanning a code..."
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