
    The classic flagship! Glorious Magic V2 RSR Porsche Design debuts at Barcelona Global Press Conference

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Yao Liwei

    Tonight, the Glory Barcelona Global Press Conference was officially held Glory Magic6 Series and MagicBook Pro 16 have been launched successively, and meanwhile, new products have been launched Glory Magic V2 RSR Porsche design also made its debut.

     The classic flagship! Glorious Magic V2 RSR Porsche Design debuts at Barcelona Global Press Conference

     The classic flagship! Glorious Magic V2 RSR Porsche Design debuts at Barcelona Global Press Conference

    Glory Magic V 2 RSR Porsche design, with super fiberglass body and integrated fly line design, breaks the inherent design template and creates a sculptural texture with pioneering design; The brand new glory King Kong giant rhinoceros glass is 10 times resistant to falling and scraping, improving the durability in all directions, making the classic immortal; 9.9mm ultra-thin body, 3840Hz zero risk dimming internal and external screens, 5000mAh Qinghai Lake dual battery, the second generation Snapdragon 8 chip, etc., creating a cross-border pioneer flagship from inside to outside, both inside and outside

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The classic flagship! Glorious Magic V2 RSR Porsche Design debuts at Barcelona Global Press Conference true report four hundred and thirty-three Tonight, the Glory Barcelona global press conference was officially held. At the press conference, the Glory Magic6 series and MagicBook Pro 16 were launched one after another. At the same time, the new product Glory Magic V2 RSR Porsche Design was also unveiled. Glorious Magic V2 RSR Porsche design, with super fiberglass body and integrated fly line design, breaks the inherent design template and creates a sculptural texture with pioneering design; All
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