
    In 2023, OPPO PCT's international patent applications ranked fourth among Chinese enterprises

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Dave

    Recently, IPRdaily, a global intellectual property comprehensive information service provider, and incoPat Innovation Index Research Center jointly released the Ranking List of Chinese Enterprises' PCT International Patent Applications in 2023 (TOP100). The list shows that OPPO, together with Huawei, Ningde Times, BOE and ZTE, ranks among the top five Chinese enterprises with 1849 PCT international patent applications, demonstrating deep innovation strength.

     In 2023, OPPO PCT's international patent applications ranked fourth among Chinese enterprises

    OPPO ranks fourth among Chinese enterprises in the global PCT international patent application list in 2023

    According to the statistics of the State Intellectual Property Office, in 2023, the number of PCT international patent applications submitted by Chinese applicants ranked first in the world for four consecutive years. China has become a veritable intellectual property power and an important pole in the world's innovation landscape. The number of international patent applications has remained at the forefront of the world, which reflects that Chinese enterprises are increasingly aware of innovation protection and pay more attention to the overall layout of intellectual property rights when exploring the international market.

    As a world leading technology enterprise, OPPO has been deployed in more than 40 countries and regions around the world, and continues to escort global operations. As of December 31, 2023, OPPO had more than 98000 global patent applications and more than 54000 global authorizations. Among them, the number of invention patent applications exceeded 89000, accounting for 91% of all patent applications. The main fields covered by the patent include 5G, image, innovative form, AI, charging, etc.

    In January 2024, OPPO announced the signing of a global patent cross licensing agreement with Nokia, which covers both parties' standard essential patents in 5G and other cellular communication technologies. The signing of this agreement has also become an important case for Chinese enterprises to respect and protect intellectual property rights, advocate the construction of a long-term healthy intellectual property ecology, and provide reference value for other enterprises to participate in global operations.

    In the future, OPPO will firmly invest in core technology research and development to bring more innovative experiences to global users.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: In 2023, OPPO PCT's international patent applications ranked fourth among Chinese enterprises true report one thousand two hundred and nineteen Recently, IPRdaily, a global intellectual property comprehensive information service provider, and incoPat Innovation Index Research Center jointly released the Ranking List of Chinese Enterprises' PCT International Patent Applications in 2023 (TOP100). The list shows that OPPO, together with Huawei, Ningde Times, BOE and ZTE, ranks among the top five Chinese enterprises with 1849 PCT international patent applications, demonstrating deep innovation strength. OPPO Rank
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