
    JD launches a picture of learning list for winter vacation to efficiently solve the problem of parents' book selection during the holiday

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Dave

    Recently, primary and secondary schools across the country ushered in the winter vacation, and how to select winter vacation books for children has become the focus of many parents. To this end, JD carefully selected and launched the "Winter Holiday Learning List", comprehensively considering the winter holiday learning needs of primary and secondary school students across the country, and provided high-quality books covering different types of teaching materials, so that parents can save worry and money to select books for their children efficiently, as well as stationery products with ultra-low prices, which can be purchased in a one-stop way through the following picture, so that children can have a happy and full holiday. You can find it by opening the JD APP and searching the "Winter Holiday Learning List"

     JD launches a picture of learning list for winter vacation to efficiently solve the problem of parents' book selection during the holiday

    For the parents of primary school students, JD selects "5 English words that primary school students must memorize every day", "Cartoon Illustration Primary School English Grammar First Learning", "Encyclopedia of Classified Composition for Primary School Students", "Kaishu Classified Idiomatic Cartoon (4 volumes in total)", "75+80 ancient poems that primary school students must memorize", "Dou Banjiang Expands Syntax Morning Reading+Five Senses Morning Reading", and "One Primary School Chinese Mathematics English Knowledge Overview (3 volumes in total)" All kinds of subject books, such as Oracle School's Complete Series of Chinese Literacy Reading (9 volumes in total) and This is the Physics Upgrading Edition (10 volumes in total), can focus on consolidating and improving students' scores at different stages through scientific and systematic learning methods. The price of JD is as low as 6.4 yuan, making it easy for parents and friends to buy good books.

     JD launches a picture of learning list for winter vacation to efficiently solve the problem of parents' book selection during the holiday JD launches a picture of learning list for winter vacation to efficiently solve the problem of parents' book selection during the holiday

    In addition to subject knowledge, the holiday also allows children to read more classic literary works, giving wings to imagination. Harry Potter is a British writer J K. The series of magic stories written by J.K. Rowling follow Harry Potter through Diagon Alley, explore Hogwarts, find the half blood prince, and enter the magical world of fantasy.

     JD launches a picture of learning list for winter vacation to efficiently solve the problem of parents' book selection during the holiday

    In addition, Jingdong's selected literature, science The extracurricular reading materials for growth and motivation are also worth reading to children during winter vacation, so as to cultivate their interest in reading and improve their reading taste.

    In addition to good quality books suitable for children, JD also selects low-cost stationery such as empty sponge baby oil painting DIY, Delidong pencil, marker suit, 24 color ultra light clay and so on, which are as low as 9.9 yuan.

     JD launches a picture of learning list for winter vacation to efficiently solve the problem of parents' book selection during the holiday

    This winter vacation, search the "winter vacation study list" on JD APP, and buy books and stationery at a good and cheap price, so that good quality books can recharge children's minds.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: JD launches a picture of learning list for winter vacation to efficiently solve the problem of parents' book selection during the holiday true report one thousand five hundred and fifty-three Recently, primary and secondary schools across the country ushered in the winter vacation, and how to select winter vacation books for children has become the focus of many parents. To this end, JD has carefully selected and launched the "Winter Holiday Learning List", comprehensively considered the winter holiday learning needs of primary and secondary school students across the country, and provided high-quality books covering different types of teaching materials, so that parents can save worry and money to select books for children efficiently, as well as stationery products with ultra-low prices
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