
    Here comes "Pure Blood Hongmeng"! Huawei native Hongmeng operating system Galaxy version will be officially commercially available in Q4

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Yao Liwei

    At the launching ceremony of Hongmeng Ecological Thousand Sails held this afternoon, Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei's consumer business, announced that their operating system, HarmonyOS NEXT, Hongmeng Star River, has opened applications to developers. It is reported that the developer beta version of this version is planned to be launched in the second quarter, and the commercial version will be released in the fourth quarter of this year.

    Hongmeng Galaxy Edition will provide six ultimate original experiences, namely, original refinement, ease of use, smoothness, security, intelligence and interconnection. This version is called "Pure Blood Hongmeng". It is completely self developed and no longer supports the traditional Linux kernel and AOSP Android open source project. Huawei hopes to build a real operating system by comprehensively developing its core technology, full stack capabilities, base and ecology.

    It is reported that more than half of the domestic Top200 mobile applications have launched Hongmeng's native application development, and several head applications have also joined Hongmeng's ecosystem. The number of Huawei Hongmeng ecological equipment has exceeded 800 million, showing the growth momentum in the field of full scene equipment.

    The expansion of Hongmeng system is also remarkable. From only supporting smart screens at first, to supporting lightweight IoT devices in 2020, and then to expanding to mobile phone , tablet, watch, bracelet and other equipment. Huawei has also built distributed technology, ark compiler, super terminal, meta service, one-time development of multi terminal deployment and ark engine on the technology base.

    Through the ecological development of Hongmeng, Huawei is opening a new blue ocean for trillion industries.

     Here comes "Pure Blood Hongmeng"! Huawei native Hongmeng operating system Galaxy version will be officially commercially available in Q4

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Here comes "Pure Blood Hongmeng"! Huawei native Hongmeng operating system Galaxy version will be officially commercially available in Q4 true report eight hundred and eighty-three At the launching ceremony of Hongmeng Ecological Thousand Sails held this afternoon, Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei's consumer business, announced that their operating system, HarmonyOS NEXT, Hongmeng Star River, has opened applications to developers. It is reported that the developer beta version of this version is planned to be launched in the second quarter, and the commercial version will be released in the fourth quarter of this year. Hongmeng Star River Edition will provide original, refined, easy to use, smooth, safe, intelligent and interactive
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