
    Performance flagship photography performance is also outstanding iQOO Neo9 Pro image experience analysis

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: A melon eater

    Everyone knows that the newly released iQOO Neo9 Pro It is a powerful performance flagship mobile phone Its full core Tianji 9300 processor has amazing performance, so many people believe that iQOO Neo9 Pro is a powerful flagship phone. In fact, iQOO Neo9 Pro is not only a performance flagship, but also has outstanding image performance.

     Performance flagship photography performance is also outstanding iQOO Neo9 Pro image experience analysis

    Image configuration analysis of iQOO Neo9 Pro, the flagship of the same outsole

    The image configuration of iQOO Neo9 Pro is not inferior to the image flagship mobile phone, which is equipped with IMX920 Sony The rear dual camera module is composed of the main camera on the big bottom+50 million flagship ultra wide-angle lens, and is additionally equipped with a Flicker screen Flash transmission Sensor, which provides hardware basis for excellent imaging effect.

     Performance flagship photography performance is also outstanding iQOO Neo9 Pro image experience analysis

    Among them, the iQOO Neo9 Pro adopts a 50 million pixel Sony customized VCS IMX920 sensor for the main camera, which supports VCS bionic spectrum technology, and can achieve better noise performance and color restoration.

    In addition to powerful imaging hardware, iQOO Neo9 Pro also has powerful algorithm support. It is equipped with the NICE algorithm, which is based on computational optics and can improve the image quality through AI technology.

    Excellence is not just a moment. Analysis of iQOO Neo9 Pro live sample

    Through the live shooting experience, we can find that iQOO Neo9 Pro can provide outstanding imaging performance in a variety of different scenes, especially when shooting still life, iQOO Neo9 Pro can fully present the rich colors of objects.

     Performance flagship photography performance is also outstanding iQOO Neo9 Pro image experience analysis

     Performance flagship photography performance is also outstanding iQOO Neo9 Pro image experience analysis

     Performance flagship photography performance is also outstanding iQOO Neo9 Pro image experience analysis

    When shooting buildings, the iQOO Neo9 Pro can also present the light and shadow effects brought by the light, and the iQOO Neo9 Pro's IMX920 Sony outsole main photography can also accurately restore the details of the scene and bring the photo color close to the natural appearance.

     Performance flagship photography performance is also outstanding iQOO Neo9 Pro image experience analysis


    The iQOO Neo9 Pro has reached the leading level among similar models in shooting experience, which is not only reflected in its excellent hardware configuration, but also fully reflected in actual shooting. In particular, the addition of OIS on the bottom has greatly improved the shooting experience. At the same time, with the help of the leading computational photography algorithm, iQOO Neo9 Pro achieves a very convenient photographic experience and excellent film quality. This means that users can easily record every wonderful moment in life by using iQOO Neo9 Pro.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Performance flagship photography performance is also outstanding iQOO Neo9 Pro image experience analysis true report one thousand four hundred and eighty-seven As we all know, the newly released iQOO Neo9 Pro is a powerful flagship phone, and its full core Tianji 9300 processor has amazing performance. Therefore, many people believe that iQOO Neo9 Pro is a powerful flagship phone. In fact, iQOO Neo9 Pro is not only a performance flagship, but also has outstanding image performance. Image flagship same outsole main photography iQOO N
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