
    Good experience is more than hardware. See how useful the vivo S18 system is

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Cheese molecule

    current mobile phone The market competition is getting fiercer and fiercer, and consumers focus on hardware, ignoring the most influential Software System. Today, the author will talk about the vivo S18 Compared with the previous generation, OriginOS 4 pays more attention to innovation and user experience, and its upgrade mainly focuses on vivo's self-developed Blueheart model, system smoothness, ease of use, security, design and humanistic care. In particular, the Blueheart Small V developed based on the Blueheart big model is particularly impressive. Now come and have a look with me.

     Good experience is more than hardware. See how useful the vivo S18 system is

    When evaluating mobile phone systems, "fluency" is undoubtedly a key consideration. The smoothness of the mobile phone system is mainly affected by hardware configuration, software optimization, system bottom debugging and other aspects. In terms of user experience, the most intuitive feeling is the animation effect. The smoother the system, the smoother the animation transition, and the faster the application responds.

    For example, when a user clicks on APP, the APP should be able to expand smoothly from the icon position to the full screen without being stuck or delayed. As we all know, iOS has always been known for its smooth animation effects, but compared with the latest OriginOS 4, we find that the latter is not inferior to iOS in the speed of opening and exiting apps.

    In order to reshape the smooth system experience, OriginOS 4 restructured the Android dynamic rendering process. Starting from the bottom, it solved the problem of Android system dynamic efficiency stuck due to the difference in dynamic architecture, thus providing a more smooth and timely dynamic experience.

    In addition, the "unfair scheduling" technology of OriginOS has also been upgraded to version 2.0. This is the resource management algorithm launched by vivo, which is mainly used in high concurrency scenarios such as multi task processing and games. It will prioritize system resources to foreground tasks to solve the problem of stuck resources caused by insufficient resources. Unfair Scheduling 2.0 uses threads as the unit of scheduling, and adds unfair scheduling support for network, memory, and IO resources, covering more usage scenarios.

     Good experience is more than hardware. See how useful the vivo S18 system is

    Memory fusion technology also helps to improve the smoothness of mobile phones and application running speed, while ensuring that more apps can reside in the background. In OriginOS 4, the memory fusion technology has also been upgraded to the fourth generation, and the number of background live applications has been increased.

     Good experience is more than hardware. See how useful the vivo S18 system is

    It is worth mentioning that OriginOS 4 also optimizes the performance of third-party applications running in the background, so that they occupy less system resources and memory when running in the background. By shielding background irrelevant calculation sneaking, the power consumption of mobile phones is reduced and the endurance performance is improved. According to official data, compared with OriginOS 3, the load of OriginOS 4 decreases by 20% in some scenarios, and the standby time increases by about 15%. In addition, with its powerful AI performance, OriginOS 4 allows users to stand by for 2.8 hours or even make 15 minutes of calls when only 1% of the power is left in the super power-saving mode.

    Talking about mobile phones Voice Assistant No one feels strange. However, for many users, their daily use frequency is not high. The reason is obvious: although it is called an intelligent assistant, it often cannot replace a wider range of interactive operations. Why on earth is this? The reason is that it is not "intelligent" enough. So, how can we become more intelligent? The answer given by OriginOS 4 is the AI big model.

    The heat of AI large model does not need to be described too much. As a leading mobile phone brand, vivo has developed its own AI model, which is also expected, but it did not expect such rapid progress. Now we have experienced it on OriginOS 4.  

    The AI big model independently developed by vivo is called the Blueheart big model. It is not only applicable to smart phones, but also to various end scenarios, as well as multiple scenarios such as cloud and extremely complex tasks. It is a general-purpose big model. What we have experienced on the mobile phone is its performance on the mobile phone, that is, the new smart assistant, Blue Heart V.  

    From the actual experience, I was most impressed by the Blueheart V: smart and convenient.

    For example, many users have a large number of photos on their mobile phones. When chatting with friends, they want to send a portrait photo, but there are a large number of photos in the album, which is time-consuming to find. At this time, call up Little V from the sidebar and say, "Little V helps me find portrait photos". Little V can quickly find the photos you want.

     Good experience is more than hardware. See how useful the vivo S18 system is

    Similarly, you can ask Xiao V to help you find files, even those files that you don't know where to store. Just say "Find reimbursement template files" to Xiao V, and you can find them instantly.

     Good experience is more than hardware. See how useful the vivo S18 system is

    Sometimes, you may suddenly think of a function, but you can't remember its name. With Blue Core V, searching becomes much easier. For example, if you want to project your photos onto the TV, just say to V, "What should I do if I want to project my photos onto the TV?" V will not only tell you the operation steps, but also provide an intimate shortcut for the screen projection function. After users click, they will jump directly to the corresponding page.

     Good experience is more than hardware. See how useful the vivo S18 system is

    You can also ask Xiao V some daily questions, such as "How long will it take to celebrate the New Year", "How will the weather be when I go to Shanghai for a business trip tomorrow". Xiao V will call the calendar and weather functions to quickly give accurate answers.

     Good experience is more than hardware. See how useful the vivo S18 system is

    In the face of a large number of working documents, if you can't read them, V can help you summarize the article outline. Just breathe out the small V and ask it "what is this article about", and the summary will be presented quickly. If you think it is not specific enough, you can further click "summary in the form of key points", and Xiao V will summarize it in the form of "1234" paragraphs, which will undoubtedly save a lot of time for those who are struggling to write reports and summaries.

     Good experience is more than hardware. See how useful the vivo S18 system is

    The same operation can also be applied to papers and literature materials. For the materials that are often tens of thousands of words, Blue Heart V can help you read, not only can quickly refine the core of the article, but also can conduct in-depth interpretation of specific problems, and easily help you sort out the information you need.

    Creativity is not a unique human skill, and AI is also competent. When you are worried about creating a copy of a circle of friends, small V can be generated in a few seconds. Even small V can help draw pictures. Just give it a text description and wait for a few seconds to generate the picture you want immediately.

     Good experience is more than hardware. See how useful the vivo S18 system is

    In addition to the above functions, Blueheart V also supports one button removal of passers-by in photos, one button screen recognition, super smart interaction and other functions. Seeing this, I believe you can already feel the convenience and practicality of the Blue Heart V. Undoubtedly, Blueheart V, based on the big model of Blueheart, is changing the interaction mode of mobile phones, and OriginOS, as the first operating system to introduce the big model of AI to mobile phones, is providing users with a more humanistic experience.

    The office function of mobile phones is very important. Many files need to be transferred between computers, tablets and mobile phones. It is very troublesome to transfer files with data lines. In the OriginOS 4 system, the vivo office suite has been upgraded. Logging into the vivo account in the same LAN can automatically discover and connect the devices logged in under the same vivo account near the user, so as to realize the seamless connection experience under the near-field network of the device.

     Good experience is more than hardware. See how useful the vivo S18 system is

    After the connection, we can directly search the files on the mobile phone and tablet on the computer, and directly search the files needed on the computer download That's fine. It saves many complicated steps.  

    At the same time, after connecting to vivo office suite, intelligent devices can also use their multi device interconnection ability to improve work efficiency. For example, when we write the evaluation, we need several live pictures, which can be taken directly with the mobile phone and then called by the computer; When we need to input the content of the paper documents at hand, we can also call up the mobile document scanning interface, which can be converted into text with a single tap and archived in the computer.

     Good experience is more than hardware. See how useful the vivo S18 system is

    In online meetings, OriginOS 4 can also convert voice into text records and save them in atomic notes for viewing at any time. I like this function.

    On the whole, the smooth and easy to use OriginOS 4 undoubtedly adds a lot of color to the use experience of vivo S18. Whether it is more fluent animation effects, understanding the Blue Heart V you asked, or seamless cross end experience, our life will be more convenient. The vivo S18, a combination of hardware and software, is definitely an excellent choice for those users who want to choose a stylish, lightweight mobile phone.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Good experience is more than hardware. See how useful the vivo S18 system is true report five thousand one hundred and ninety-one At present, the competition in the mobile phone market is getting fiercer and fiercer, and consumers focus on the hardware, ignoring the software system that most affects the experience. Today, the author will talk about the vivo S18 under the blessing of OriginOS 4. Compared with the previous generation, OriginOS 4 pays more attention to innovation and user experience, and its upgrade mainly focuses on the big blue heart model developed by vivo, system smoothness
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