
    Xiaomi SU7 should be designed to stand the test of time

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Druid

    At 2:00 p.m. on December 28, the Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference officially began.

     Xiaomi SU7 should be designed to stand the test of time

     Xiaomi SU7 should be designed to stand the test of time

     Xiaomi SU7 should be designed to stand the test of time

     Xiaomi SU7 should be designed to stand the test of time

     Xiaomi SU7 should be designed to stand the test of time

     Xiaomi SU7 should be designed to stand the test of time

    In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4997 * 1963 * 1440mm respectively, and the height of the ordinary car is 1455mm, but the wheelbase of both versions is 3000mm.

    In terms of wheels, Xiaomi SU7 provides a variety of wheels. The ordinary version uses 245/40 R20 tires at the front and rear; For the Max version, the front and rear hybrid tire widths are 245/40 R20 and 265/40 R20 respectively.

    At the rear, the new car uses an integrated through tail lamp.

    Moreover, the drag coefficient of Xiaomi SU7 has reached Cd 0.195, presenting a golden ratio of wheel axle ratio, wheel height ratio and width height ratio. It is not only designed for beauty, but also for driving.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Xiaomi SU7 should be designed to stand the test of time true report five hundred and twenty At 2:00 p.m. on December 28, the Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference officially began. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4997 * 1963 * 1440mm respectively, and the height of the ordinary car is 1455mm, but the wheelbase of both versions is 3000mm. In terms of wheels, Xiaomi SU7 provides a variety of wheels. The ordinary version uses 245/40 R20 tires at the front and rear; The Max version is the former
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