
    Xiaomi car's non drawing scheme: Xiaomi road large model

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Druid

    At 2:00 p.m. on December 28, the Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference officially began.

     Xiaomi car's non drawing scheme: Xiaomi road large model

     Xiaomi car's non drawing scheme: Xiaomi road large model

     Xiaomi car's non drawing scheme: Xiaomi road large model

     Xiaomi car's non drawing scheme: Xiaomi road large model

     Xiaomi car's non drawing scheme: Xiaomi road large model

     Xiaomi car's non drawing scheme: Xiaomi road large model

     Xiaomi car's non drawing scheme: Xiaomi road large model

     Xiaomi car's non drawing scheme: Xiaomi road large model

     Xiaomi car's non drawing scheme: Xiaomi road large model

    Xiaomi intelligent driving, smarter and safer, comes from the intelligent driving technology developed by the whole stack: zoom BEV, road model, super resolution network occupation,
    More from super computing chip and perception hardware.


    Xiaomi super resolution network occupation: accuracy<0.1m (Tesla 0.32m, friend 0.2m); Large road model: real-time generation of road topology, with the effect comparable to high-precision maps.

    Lei Jun revealed Xiaomi's plan for intelligent driving: to open a pilot NOA in 100 cities by the end of 2024. And on In 2024, Xiaomi intelligent driving will enter the first camp of the industry.

    Lei Jun revealed Xiaomi's plan for intelligent driving: to open a pilot NOA in 100 cities by the end of 2024.

    Lei Jun revealed Xiaomi's plan for intelligent driving: to open a pilot NOA in 100 cities by the end of 2024.

    Lei Jun revealed Xiaomi's plan for intelligent driving: to open a pilot NOA in 100 cities by the end of 2024.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Xiaomi car's non drawing scheme: Xiaomi road large model true report six hundred and eighty-seven At 2:00 p.m. on December 28, the Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference officially began. Xiaomi intelligent driving is smarter and safer. It comes from the intelligent driving technology developed by the whole stack: zoom BEV, road model, super resolution network occupation, and more from super computing chips and perception hardware. Xiaomi super resolution network occupation: accuracy<0.1m (Tesla 0.32m, friend 0.2m); Large road model: real
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