
    Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference officially started, and the "whole ecology of people and cars" finally closed loop

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Druid

    At 2:00 p.m. on December 28, the Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference officially began.

     Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference officially started, and the "whole ecology of people and cars" finally closed loop

    With the coming Xiaomi SU7, our "full ecology of people and cars" has finally closed, ushering in a moment of "leap"! What is the "whole ecology of people and cars"? Comprehensively open up the scene of "people", "cars" and "home", realize seamless connection of hardware equipment, real-time collaboration, drive industrial chain partners, and jointly create a super intelligent ecosystem that focuses on people and actively serves people. This is a positive cycle system. Devices and people depend on each other and continue to grow, thus forming a "living" system. First, people, devices and intelligent services cooperate and co evolve with each other. Ecology provides intelligent services for people, and people bring intelligence to ecology, making ecology more intelligent.

     Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference officially started, and the "whole ecology of people and cars" finally closed loop

    The Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference is a concentrated demonstration of Xiaomi's thinking and accumulation of auto technology. The conference lasts about 3 hours and will be broadcast live on Zhongguancun Online.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference officially started, and the "whole ecology of people and cars" finally closed loop true report six hundred and fifty-seven At 2:00 p.m. on December 28, the Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference officially began. With the coming Xiaomi SU7, our "full ecology of people and cars" has finally closed, ushering in a moment of "leap"! What is the "whole ecology of people and cars"? Comprehensively open up the scene of "people", "cars" and "home", realize seamless connection of hardware equipment, real-time collaboration, drive industrial chain partners, and create people together
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