
    The iPhone 15 signal is not the worst? Huawei/Apple/Xiaomi New Machine Signal Measurement Comparison

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: A melon eater

    Today we are going to discuss an interesting and metaphysical topic that can not be ignored: mobile phone Signal performance. How important the signal performance of mobile phones is to our daily mobile phone use experience, of course, there is no need to say more. People often talk about the good or bad signal performance of some brands of mobile phones, but the signal problem is very complex. Today, we have a brief talk about this topic through the actual measurement.

    The mobile phones we used for this comparative test are iPhone 15 Standard version Huawei Mate 60 Standard version Xiaomi 14 For the three models of the standard version, the tested SIM cards are all Unicom 5G packages in the same gear.

     The iPhone 15 signal is not the worst? Huawei/Apple/Xiaomi New Machine Signal Measurement Comparison

    The signal speed measurement results of mobile phones are generally affected by the base station status, speed measurement node speed, the number of intranet mobile phones in the same signal sector and other factors, so it is difficult to achieve effective variable control. Therefore, this test data is only for reference and can only represent the test results we can get in the environment at that time.

    First, we conduct standard signal tests indoors, using Software yes Speedtest。 First, we measured the speed of each mobile phone separately, and the results were Huawei's best, Xiaomi's second best, and Apple's worst, basically in line with everyone's general impression.

     The iPhone 15 signal is not the worst? Huawei/Apple/Xiaomi New Machine Signal Measurement Comparison

     The iPhone 15 signal is not the worst? Huawei/Apple/Xiaomi New Machine Signal Measurement Comparison

    Then we also carried out two rounds of simultaneous speed measurement of three mobile phones. At this time, things began to become interesting. Apple first failed in the first round of testing, and it was no accident that it came to the bottom.

     The iPhone 15 signal is not the worst? Huawei/Apple/Xiaomi New Machine Signal Measurement Comparison

    In the second round of the test, Apple took the first place in an unusual way, and the scores of Xiaomi and Huawei both declined slightly.

     The iPhone 15 signal is not the worst? Huawei/Apple/Xiaomi New Machine Signal Measurement Comparison

    For this reason, we changed the software to test: the global network test APP from the China Academy of Information Technology and Communications. The test method is that each mobile phone runs one round independently. It can be seen that Apple has run the highest download rate, but the delay is a little high. Xiaomi and Huawei are both performing better than normal. It can be said that in the indoor speed test, except that Apple's performance is not very stable, Xiaomi and Huawei's performance is relatively stable and normal.

     The iPhone 15 signal is not the worst? Huawei/Apple/Xiaomi New Machine Signal Measurement Comparison

    We also used the global network test APP to test the application delay. In this test, both Xiaomi and Huawei lost to Apple. Therefore, we also repeated the test, and the test results were basically the same. This may be caused by various reasons, such as fluctuations in the test server itself.

     The iPhone 15 signal is not the worst? Huawei/Apple/Xiaomi New Machine Signal Measurement Comparison

    After the indoor scenes are tested, we will test some extreme scenes, such as elevators. As a generally recognized poor signal environment, the signal performance in the elevator can be said to well represent the signal performance of different models in weak network scenarios. After actual measurement, Apple's download The best speed performance is 1.58, while Huawei's upload speed is up to 0.62.

     The iPhone 15 signal is not the worst? Huawei/Apple/Xiaomi New Machine Signal Measurement Comparison

     The iPhone 15 signal is not the worst? Huawei/Apple/Xiaomi New Machine Signal Measurement Comparison

    We also conducted a test in the basement scenario, and the test data showed that all three mobile phones could be tested for normal network speed. Huawei has more advantages in downloading, while Apple has more advantages in uploading.

     The iPhone 15 signal is not the worst? Huawei/Apple/Xiaomi New Machine Signal Measurement Comparison

    From the above tests, it can be seen that the three mobile phones have different performances in different scenarios. It is not found that which mobile phone has an absolute advantage in all scenarios, but each has its own victory or defeat. And through actual measurement, we also found that, The signal performance of iPhone 15 does not appear to be very poor as widely recognized, but can lead in some projects.

    From our daily use experience, The signal problem of iPhone 15 series is more about the ability to search the Internet, and the daily network speed is not bad. If you want to have a more stable experience of using mobile phone signals, we recommend Huawei Mate 60 series. Although it cannot lead all projects, it will not have a poor performance.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The iPhone 15 signal is not the worst? Huawei/Apple/Xiaomi New Machine Signal Measurement Comparison true report two thousand three hundred and ninety-three Today we are going to discuss an interesting and metaphysical topic: mobile phone signal performance. How important the signal performance of mobile phones is to our daily mobile phone use experience, of course, there is no need to say more. People often talk about the good or bad signal performance of some brands of mobile phones, but the signal problem is very complex. Today, we have a brief talk about this topic through the actual measurement. I...
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